Your average episode is just empty and boring, but with this there's at least a chance it's bad enough that it's worth paying attention to.
Your average episode is just empty and boring, but with this there's at least a chance it's bad enough that it's worth paying attention to.
Character: Shor Stank, a Rhodesian billionaire and the scion to a diamond mine, who pays other people to do space stuff after making his fortune by failing upwards in financial services which he got his start in with hundreds of thousands of dollars in blood diamonds.
Plot: he's handed a "flamethrower" (it's an off-brand supersoaker full of everclear with a zippo duck taped to the front) by an intern. He looks directly into the camera and smiles, then attempts to set the intern on fire. He's interrupted by OSHA and DoL investigators looking into workplace hazards and union busting. After some attempts at deflecting, he looks into the camera again, slowly smiles, and then starts trying to set them on fire.
his start (before PayPal) was an even dumber yellow pages website (funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars in blood emeralds) with a name so terrible I refuse to look it up