Communism is some GOOD SHIT

  • Lieutenant
    8 months ago

    Funnily enough the quote does at least make an understandable point, as in it's just not gibberish, even though the point is obviously wrong.

    The "opium of the masses" by Marx/Engels was supposed to be a comment on how religion deceives, is ultimately unhealthy and deafening, but at the same time is the last refuge many people have, and therefore still helpful in a twisted way. The "meth of the masses" analogy would mean that it still has the unhealthy, deceptive and deafening aspects of a drug addiction, but without the "soothing last refuge of peace" part; more of a steroid rage kind of thing that is also way more addictive, dangerous and might make you super aggressive, which are common anti-socialist metaphors.

    As far as anti-communist drivel goes, at least this one is plausible and has meaning instead of just being babbling.

    • NPa [he/him]
      8 months ago

      sorry I couldn't hear you over all these Lenin-branded dextroamphetamine tablets could you stop vibrating for a sec and repeat that I'm in kind of a hurry too gotta storm the winter palace with the boys before it wears off

      8 months ago

      The "meth of the masses" analogy would mean that it still has the unhealthy, deceptive and deafening aspects of a drug addiction, but without the "soothing last refuge of peace" part

      Then the analogy is spot on.