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Meh, we all have a price. I'd have given in, too. Clearly the long con of 30 years is worth a cool $50B to decide what to do with.
The greater good.
In all likelihood, class interest will override any personal animosity and they put up a good face for the public.
But I'd love to be proven wrong.
Wait? They divorced now?
Probably something to do with avoiding taxes or something...
horrible brain thought
When I hear a rich guy talk about divorcing his spouse, I expect to hear that her body was found in a freezer at some small winter cottage in the mountains in the future.
Nah, it has to do with the consequences of this societal problem: https://mobile.twitter.com/alpharivelino/status/1352836073584553985?lang=en
I have a hard time picturing him as somebody interested in sex. Maybe he'd like a younger wife as a status symbol though.
It's not an age thing, it's a personality type. Some people are just wired differently and any real sexual desire is overridden by their obsession with power, success, control, etc. Sometimes sex is tied into that sometimes it isn't. I worked for a CEO one time who had no interest in women beyond wanting to be seen with them. All the other execs fucked around on their wives, went to strip clubs, talked about women like they were objects... This guy never cared about any of that. He didn't even live with his girlfriend of like 6 years. Bizarre.
In this guy's case it was definitely weird. Plus he was a sociopathic prick so judge away.
wha? since when did he say that?
dawg, this class war thing is getting real. I feel like they're not putting as much effort into the philanthropy thing anymore. as workers become more redundant, they're really gonna tell us to f ourselves.
I mean automation is legit. of course not all workers are gonna be made redundant, but given how America is those at the bottom will be vilified for their struggles.
Like a decade ago he said he was going to donate his whole fortune when he died.
I'm so paranoid about rich people now I'm convinced there's some kind of economic angle they're working together by getting divorced. I should probably grill for a week or two.
You definitely can bet that at the very least they're doing everything they can to take advantage of the situation.
I bet there was some kind of contract, with bonuses for number of years married and offspring produced. The whole marriage was a PR campaign. Melinda was just measuring the pros/cons like someone mulling their pension options and early retirement.