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  • RobertGoddard [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Every “conservative” fake news website on the planet is run by CIA agents who are looking to influence public opinion on behalf of their corporate owners. They want to make you think what you want to think, so they spread information from fake news websites instead of genuine sources.

    These revelations should really frighten you.

    If you think the same type of globalist covert operations are happening here, then this is all just your paranoia, and you’re reading fake news. Or, if you don’t think the same type of covert operations are happening here, then this is all just the controlled opposition, the fake news of this conspiracy, and you’re not reading enough news.

    Do any of these sound familiar? I’ll let that one sink in for you: if you think it’s all just your own personal perception, and you think you can determine what is true based on your personal experience, then you think the 1 percent or the CIA or whatever entity controls the mainstream media is right about everything.

    You’re right: these are all just our own perceptions.

    This is a 21st century problem, and if the information about what the establishment is doing gets out to more people, that might start to break down some of their control.

    Because if these elite are such great thinkers, why do they hide the evidence, lie, and manipulate everything we think and feel? If they’re so smart, how come the majority of their fake news goes unnoticed by the masses?

    There’s not enough interest from the public. The people only care about the celebrities and top-tier officials, not the large, secret machines that rule the world behind the scenes.

    The public doesn’t know anything about what’s really going on. They only know what they’ve been told by the people who control it. And the primary concern of those elites is maintaining that control.