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  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    We are Marxist-hippy homeschooling our kids now because of covid and have been doing so for a year. I just randomly ran into the school nurse while I was on a walk and she mentioned that almost all of the kids are back at school now but it’s probably going to be a year before younger children can get vaccinated. I felt peer-pressured to send my kids back, but if we ever do it will be a family decision because we are Marxist hippies. We have the resources to homeschool and I will never forgive myself if anyone gets hurt because I sent my kids back before it was safe.

    Also someone I despise is going to win an election uncontested and join the school board tomorrow. I thought of running but it just seemed like too much of a hassle. My wife and I think and speak frequently about leaving the USA for good. She’s a South Korean citizen but a major issue there right now is that they don’t have any vaccines and their quarantine (while much better than the USA) is not as good as Vietnam’s or China’s.

    • pluggd [they/them]
      3 years ago

      It sounds like you're putting a lot of thought into it. Kudos to you.

      It must be hard to even visualise group activities with other kids. Heard on a pod discussion recently about all the summer camps run by unions and left orgs in the 60s-80s. The contrast between that wide socialization and education of previous generations and today's youth is stark.

      • duderium [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Thankfully my kids have each other but the other kids around here are not careful. I live in a pretty lib area but there are still plenty of kids around who don’t wear masks. We’re also unable to go to any crowded public places of course. Last year we tried going to the beach one or two times. It wasn’t that crowded but unmasked people kept getting way too close to us.

        The question is: am I crazy, or are they crazy? Should we trust the government and the corporate media which is now insisting that everything is fine? Or is the worst still to come?

        In our conversation the nurse said something about going back to normal soon and it kind of disgusted me. All of this shit is because of normal. Nearly 600,000 dead Americans (to say nothing of all the dead around the world) is because of normal.

        • pluggd [they/them]
          3 years ago

          I just cannot imagine trying to explain the contradictions surrounding covid to kids when they can see large groups ignoring it. It's brilliant that yours are getting the kind of education that'll allow them to understand the situation better.

          • duderium [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Thanks, no, I think they get it. I actually think it must be harder to avoid explaining it at all, to pretend it doesn’t exist, or to say it’s all Trump or China’s fault. I don’t know. Kids can get used to anything. But some of the ones who are trapped with lib or fash parents/“communities” must be asking questions at least privately.

    • RobertGoddard [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I was homeschooled and am a dirty yankee fucker praise hamburger baby Jesus. I would love to homeschool my kid

      But alas we're not in America anymore, just a country that calls itself European.

      It's all well and good to get all patriotic and load up on beer, flags, and swearing like a sailor (I'd go with "fucking" but in this forum I like to show the "class" that this stupid fucks made for the rest of us), but lets remember where we are and why we're here.

  • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My prom date was a homeschooled hippy girl I met in a park where people do drugs, and she felt like she had a better situation than going to school after meeting some of the people there lol

    Can't say I would disagree with her, either

      • RobertGoddard [she/her]
        3 years ago

        They both teach good moral values though. Now let’s compare them, shall we?

        Whether it be public schools or homeschooling, when I was young I played outside and loved it. Maybe I ate a lot of leaves...

    • RobertGoddard [she/her]
      3 years ago

      No one cared. No one ever judged. That was just fine with me.

      Besides, I had lived in too many apartments with too many people and it was hard on my parents to be told to chill by a bunch of a-holes.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Did Jesus for a year before I got the pastor's search history and shared it with everyone then got expelled

  • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    I wasn't homeschooled but knew a handful of kids who were that were a part of my youth orchestra. Looking back it seems to me that the only downside is the lack of socialization so if they make up for it with extracurriculars then it seems definitively better.

  • RobertGoddard [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I was homeschooled by radical left-communists and went to work for a Marxist international as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia after college, but I learned firsthand how false the ideology was.

    I've been fighting the NWO with what they describe as "fake news" for the past two years. The revelations I uncovered to this point are too numerous to cover in one article, but here are the biggest things I've learned so far:

    Their "free speech" is only free if it coincides with their world view. They want the masses to think whatever they want them to think, but they want them to think it is true. Everything is relative.

    The "free press" they praise so much is not free. They're owned by billionaires who operate like governments: funded by governments and used to shut down their competition and protect their markets.

    They have this type of social control in other parts of the world — China, Saudi Arabia, India, etc. — but they don't want it in the US. They don't want Americans to think for themselves and unite against a common enemy, so they want to brainwash us with the same false "free speech" under the false idea of free markets.

    The "free market" is actually the government legislating against competition and imposing monopoly, which is why the "free market" economy never grows or becomes stable.

      • RobertGoddard [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Every “conservative” fake news website on the planet is run by CIA agents who are looking to influence public opinion on behalf of their corporate owners. They want to make you think what you want to think, so they spread information from fake news websites instead of genuine sources.

        These revelations should really frighten you.

        If you think the same type of globalist covert operations are happening here, then this is all just your paranoia, and you’re reading fake news. Or, if you don’t think the same type of covert operations are happening here, then this is all just the controlled opposition, the fake news of this conspiracy, and you’re not reading enough news.

        Do any of these sound familiar? I’ll let that one sink in for you: if you think it’s all just your own personal perception, and you think you can determine what is true based on your personal experience, then you think the 1 percent or the CIA or whatever entity controls the mainstream media is right about everything.

        You’re right: these are all just our own perceptions.

        This is a 21st century problem, and if the information about what the establishment is doing gets out to more people, that might start to break down some of their control.

        Because if these elite are such great thinkers, why do they hide the evidence, lie, and manipulate everything we think and feel? If they’re so smart, how come the majority of their fake news goes unnoticed by the masses?

        There’s not enough interest from the public. The people only care about the celebrities and top-tier officials, not the large, secret machines that rule the world behind the scenes.

        The public doesn’t know anything about what’s really going on. They only know what they’ve been told by the people who control it. And the primary concern of those elites is maintaining that control.