He said that people shouldn't be so dismissive about men's issues. He said men and women are more equal now and people act like it's still the 80s. I said if it's 80s to worry about women's issues what is it to worry about men's issues? Are we worried about when the fertility cults were so big in Europe? You are worried about men's issues? That's so 10k BCs of you! Things really progressed when the pharaohs took over! Time to move on!

From now on, whenever I hear anything about men's issues I am going to say, "Stop being so retro! this isn't the 10k BCs!"

    • Chomsky [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Capitalists and proletariat are both harmed by capitalism, but I am not going to start to bemoan the woes of capitalists. Destabilizing contradictions of capital, such as the pressure of capitalists to drive down wages or outsource labour and therefore destroy the markets for their own goods definitely harms capitalists, but marxists are always going to ultimately frame this as proletarian issues because they are the ones that bare the brunt of the negative impacts of a unstable capitalist economy and as such they are going to be the driving force behind revolution

      What you are saying is that patriarchy should also be viewed dialectically, but the revolutionary changes are also in this case going to be driven by those that bear the brunt of problems of patriarchy, women. I just find it rather unlikely that men themselves are going to deconstruct patriarchy since they are the material benefactors of patriarchy. I think it is more constructive to frame it has patriarchy issues than men's issues or perhaps issues of gender normativity, both terms are able to encompass the dialectical nature of the problems.

        • Chomsky [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          You seem to be convieniently skipping the smashing the state and forming a dictatorship of the proletariat part. You cant build the new genders from the corpse of the old.

          When I say I'm a "man" I mean I have a penis and I use the term for simplicity sake, but I totally reject the idea of maleness whole cloth. There is nothing from the old patriarchal gender relations that I have any interest in.

            • Chomsky [comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              You mentioned it, but skipped the implications. You skipped right to a classes less society which, presumably, is a genderless society in this case.

              The analogue of the dictatorship of the proletariat would be the oppresed classes, homosexuals, trans, women, rising up to utterly crush the patriarchy and they very concept of male in the process.

              What's hard to get about the last part? I reject the concept of maleness so why would I concern myself with men's issues. What aspect of "maleness" would we even want to preserve? It's essentially a set of patriarchal gender normative stereotypes.