The pioneering video game creator throws a spotlight on treasures of 1950s and ’60s Japanese cinema, including Yasujiro Ozu’s TOKYO TWILIGHT and Nobuo Nakaga...
Kojima recommends Japanese movies from the Criterion Collection.
Planning on checking these out once I'm done with my current janky Sci-Fi kick.
Harakiri is such an excellent, based choice. Surprised he didn't include The Human Condition but glad he picked a Kobayashi. Check that out, too, if you haven't already!
I'm always happy to see these posts here, glad to know I'm not the only Criterionphile. Just got a copy of The Battle of Algiers to enjoy all the extra Leftist content.
Harakiri is such an excellent, based choice. Surprised he didn't include The Human Condition but glad he picked a Kobayashi. Check that out, too, if you haven't already!
I'm always happy to see these posts here, glad to know I'm not the only Criterionphile. Just got a copy of The Battle of Algiers to enjoy all the extra Leftist content.