• invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Highly recommend Society of the Spectacle and Comments on Society of the Spectacle (both on Libgen). Debord can be hard to understand, but he occasionally says something that just makes the systemic nature of "spectacle" click.

    But essentially yes, he also constantly brings up the "theory is the enemy of ideology" which basically means that using revolutionary language derived from ideology is meaningless without having the revolutionary theory to back it up.

    So people using the language of revolution in an ideological manner are contributing to the vulgarization of the revolutionary theory and building up the spectacular version of the struggle.

    (In this case, applying the surface level aspects of anti-racism without any actual analysis of the conditions and history of the situation in which it's being applied)

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        No he's just really obtuse when he talks about it and it sounds like he's dunking on theory. I misread that part when I posted it here.

        He does say that theory is pointless without political praxis though, which kinda goes without saying.

        praxis > theory > ideology