I saw this posted by a couple people on my Facebook feed. In truth, I don't really know what happened in the events leading up to the Nakba and could use a good faith interpretation of them. I'm sure this image has plenty of falsehoods, but it would be helpful to know exactly what they are and how they can be debunked.

  • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I mean this whole argument is just some bullshit technicality that aCkTuAlLy the land was British in 1947. Given that Palestine isn't in the fucking British Isles I did a little digging to see how they stole came to to govern the land.

    Mandatory Palestine, from wikipedia:

    During the First World War (1914–1918), an Arab uprising against Ottoman rule and the British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force under General Edmund Allenby drove the Turks out of the Levant during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign.[2] The United Kingdom had agreed in the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence that it would honour Arab independence if they revolted against the Ottomans, but the two sides had different interpretations of this agreement and in the end, the UK and France divided up the area under the Sykes–Picot Agreement – an act of betrayal in the eyes of the Arabs.

    So classic colonizer shit - the Allies were fighting the Ottomans during WWI and promised an Arab state for those that revolted from the inside, but immediately reneged on the deal (of course Wikipedia pretends this was due to a "different interpretation" and not the fundamental greed of imperialists). The League of Nations rubber-stamped this so it was all cool and legal and no one could complain.

    Well the Palestinians decided to complain about this, uh, "interpretation" of events and fought back with a general-strike-turned-revolt (based) which was violently crushed by the British (unbased). According to a Palestinian historian, "Over ten percent of the adult male Palestinian Arab population between 20 and 60 was killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled" - official British figures record ten times fewer casualties.

    Given that they had already violently opposed the colonization of their homeland by European powers, it's unsurprising that they would reject a partition plan further seeding more of their land to colonizers and escalate to a full blown war.

    TL;DR: "THE TRUTH": Palestine was promised all of the land in green and white, but the West stole it instead and violently put down any opposition to their ever-increasing colonies.