what's up with so many people thinking they take a chimpanzee? I'd rather take my chances with a crocodile, monkeys are strong af :monke-rage:
I'm fairly sure it was an urban legend but when I was in Africa I several times heard a story about a french soldier who tried to put a t-shirt on a baboon and literately got his arm ripped off. And chimps are about the same strength. Not to mention they have fangs like over an inch long.
right? that would be like of the last things i'd fight. i mean there is never just one chimp either, they always are in packs and they would fuck you up
As I recall, chimps usually go for the face and genitals first. I remember there was a rash of chimp attacks several years back, and I learned more about chimp attacks than I really wanted to know.
I want answers from the people who think they couldn't take a grizzly bear or lion but think they could beat up an elephant.
Probably stems from their perception as being slow and lacking agility.
I get i-frames if I roll under the elephant's stomping foot, right?
"Eventually if I punch it enough it will go down"
- guys who say they could beat up an elephant, probably
yea this is just evidence that people don't think
nobody could ever beat an elephant in a fight, you have better odds with a lion/bear. it's easier to run away from because it's big and can't change direction easily. but running away from it is not the same as beating it.
Lol a single swat from their trunk and all your ribs are broken. And if your bare handed I doubt they would feel anything less then a punch from a pro boxer even then it would just piss them off at most.
Honestly any large herbivore is gonna be way more trouble than a predator, because they categorically do not give a single fuck and will murder you for the share joy of feeling your skull mashed to pieces under their feet.
You ever seen a hippo eat an entire watermelon in one bite?
Correct order there is grizzly bear, Elephant, Lion
Grizzly bears aren't a joke.
Lmao at the 30%+ who don't feel they could take on a house cat. The cat girl rebellion is coming.
Then call me a native species of bird because I'd be fuckin' dead
Okay I get the 7% of Men thinking they could punch a Grizzly to death.
How the fuck do 1% more woman than men think they could punch a lion to death? Wtf?
My immediate thought is that it was a survey of either 50 or 100 people, and after the first question an additional 1-2 women decided "lmao fuck it" and just started to answer each question with "yeah sure," explaining why there's a constant floor of 8% after the first question.
if someone called me to do this survey i would absolutely pretend like i can beat all of them besides the rat because i think im hilarious i guess
Men thinking they could beat Lions, bears or Chimpanzee is insane, they are so fucking strong.
idk, even if a bear was unconcious, I still don't think it's easy to kill it, you would have to strangle it and they are tough as fuck
omfg i love the 24% of people who either think they'd loose to a rat or they refuse to fight a rat. I wonder how many thought of the black plague or other diseases. cause that rat would have the last laugh beyond the grave.
I just think they're new yorkers. Fighting rats the size of cats is a way of life there.
Everybody's a tough guy until they find out that the geese aren't unarmed. :big-honk:
I'd say definitely to everything below large dog. Then maybe for large dog, wolf and kangaroo. The rest are a "lol no" from me. King Cobra is the odd one out. Like, they're nto that strong, it's just that they're gonna bite me and I will die lol
they're good at being intimidating, but they're not physically stronger than most waterfowl
But they literally have hollow bones. Most people just don't want to hurt them. In an actual fight I feel like it wouldn't really be much of a competition.
when I was like 8 or 9 i was feeding the geese and once i ran out of bread they started picking at my legs because i had sand on them, so im thinking they thought it was bread crumbs but my aunt was fucking LAUGHING and i screamed so loud lol. i had to go hide in the car for like 10 minutes. i'll never forget that shit , actually a very vivid memory i have
They're angery boys but if it was an actual life-or-death situation their necks snap just like a chicken.
I'm an Ok martial artist and I think I might be able to take a wolf. I'd be in the hospital for a week or so after but one on one I think I'd live. Same thing against most of them between wolf and eagle. Except for the chimp, I doubt that fight would last for a even a minute before I was near death.
I think the trick with a kangaroo would be being fast enough to get around it and put it in a headlock. But yeah if they land a single kick it would be over.
snakes are toast if you manage to grab them by the neck.
anything after and including large dog is beatable, just a matter of how much it will fuck me up before i manage to kill it.
Out of reasonable ones the rat seems much more sketchy, they are super fast