For those not speaking german:

The Headline means:

Being honest means admitting: We have imported antisemitism

The rest of the post is about how immigration from muslim countries and "radical-islam" are to blame for anti-semitism in the country.

This is supposed to be most leftwing party in this cursed country.

:germany-cool: :agony-acid:

Here's a german podcast talking about how horrible germany is with israel.

  • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
    3 years ago

    All political parties, as well as all mass media narratives essentially propagate this view: Any delegitimization of the State of Israel is antisemitic (see the '3D model of antisemitism'). Also, antisemitism is mostly coming from those evil Muslims, we let into our beautifully white country recently. Everything was fine before, trust.

    Sure, there are plenty of people who view this critically, but they aren't exactly given a voice; quite the opposite.