The Pentagon has recently been releasing videos of UFOs and claiming that they are genuinely unexplained, and the mainstream media has become more open to talking about them. What do you think is going on? As far as I can figure, there are four possible explanations:

  • UFOs have always been fake and the government is just now getting in on faking these videos, perhaps to justify more military spending.
  • UFOs are some type of as-of-yet unexplained atmospheric phenomenon, like ball lightning.
  • Some military or company has developed new scientific theories and technology, in complete secrecy, capable of the kind of behavior seen in the videos.
  • Aliens are involved in some way.
  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This article concludes that their skin color was variable, so I was actually mistaken. Some had light skin, others had dark skin. I may have been mixing Neanderthals up with Homo sapiens, who only evolved lighter skin colors about eight thousand years ago, long after Neanderthals died out.

    Still, I believe the average Western normie would assume that Neanderthals living in Europe would have white skin, and then be surprised to find that they sometimes didn't have white skin.

    I did about five minutes of research regarding the redditor's kind of strange claim that the Egyptians somehow built the pyramids from the inside-out. That seems kind of unlikely. The most plausible explanation seems to be that they built a ramp around pyramids that were under construction in order to get all that stone up there.

    We'll find out if this person was a kook (or if the aliens changed their plans) in about six weeks regardless.