a utopian idealist is lecturing about praxis and the need for universalist theory? Fuck off back to your CIA funded classroom worthless class traitor lol

thread about these wretched neoliberals and their moralistic need to be smarmy lecturing nerds: https://twitter.com/khaledsayswhat/status/1395023106742259723

and a callout thread calling him an imperialist a year ago, where he says this funny statement:

State Departmend funds many projects around the world, many of them forces for good. Proud to write for IREX-funded projects like IranWire https://twitter.com/arash_tehran/status/1280157230826913794

  • KarlBarx [they/them,he/him]
    3 years ago

    Even the DSA's offical line is pro BDS so I dont even know what this fucker is doing by being anti BDS

    • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
      3 years ago

      It's cool and good and very anti-authoritarian for members to be able to individualistically spout their reactionary opinions on social media, where they rep their membership status, and undermine the position of the national organisation. If DSA stepped in that would be very tankie of them.

  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Everyone hates Arash tbh, weve been all dunking on him. This isnt anything new from him either, but the process for chapter or national expulsion is complicated and i dont think theyd find reason to warrant expulsion, which is more reserved for serious things like sexual harassment or something. Im not sure whats to be done, we go through this with this guy every few months. https://twitter.com/oliviakatbi/status/1395027921539010565

  • spez_hole [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    First he gives the Palestinians a moral score in a vacuum, or without any context, and uses that to say they deserve it. Then comes the nonsense about how they're insane terrorists funded by dictators. Never about how they have been driven to the extreme by the depraved aggression of the occupiers, just moralizing. Add a 'both sides' to prove that you're objective, and continue to judge Gaza from the POV of Western rhetoric, as if anyone in Gaza should care about how the West keeps a moral score from a safe vantage point. Then: 'disastrous BDS turn' with no explanation! Lmao

    One problem is that I agree with the notion that it's not possible to kick out the Israelis, even if I agree that that fact should inform your judgment. It was wrong that they ever showed up, but they aren't going to leave without a military threat much larger than they are, which seems impossible. A one state solution with Palestinian rights, though also lofty and unlikely, seems like a better goal.