Been doomscrolling r/worldnews sometimes cuz reading their takes on Israel-Palestine is a form of self-harm. Then, go cleanse myself on r/news which has been somewhat decent surprisingly. But each time I also glance at headlines at the “other” war where it seems like Ukraine’s doing pretty well?

Anyone have good sources to follow and keep up to date on it?

  • blight [any]
    10 months ago

    relying on reddit-logo headlines for info


    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      10 months ago

      Look, let me be clear. obama-spike

      I don't rely on reddit-logo for info. Going on r/worldnews whenever something pops off regarding Israel is simply to read the spin their genocidal posters put on it. It's a form of "how will the conspiracy theorists respond to the latest proof of Israel murdering babies?" But as I search for it, I come across headlines on the other war, which I haven't followed for over a year. And those headlines make it seem like Ukraine's doing good. So I'm posting here asking for sources to follow regarding that war.

    10 months ago

    Ukraine is out of manpower and rationing munitions. They are going to be steamrolled now. I expect them to negotiate peace very soon.

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    In terms of narrative, we have pivoted from the offensive which has been more or less considered a stalled/failed effort to a new crossing of the Dnipro River that they are apparently trying to push from. I'm not seeing much about it though which leads me to believe there isn't much positive going on for Ukraine on that front to be spun into a headline.

    As the others are saying, the arc overall seems to be pivoting from plans to out Russia from all occupied territory to "what is a manageable course we can take to end the conflict on relatively sustainable terms" which, if I were Zelensky, would have me worried.

  • carpoftruth [any, any]
    10 months ago

    Today's MoA is a good overview of the current state of things, especially if you read the various other articles linked:

    The linked articles from simplicius/bigserge cover military matters, Yves Smith on naked capitalism is about the potential for a negotiated settlement, and Gordon Hahns piece is about military/political matters inside Russia.

    The following article is not referenced in today's MoA but it is useful insofar as it talks about Russian public opinion

    Tldr, ukraine has been wrung out and is being hung out to dry. Personally I expect de facto Russian victory to happen in 2026, with 2024 seeing ukrainian military being driven out of the remainder of the donbass, 2025 being conflict east of the dniper and 2026 seeing things settle, with or without a peace agreement.