Post your conspiracy theories about how conspiracy theories are conspiracies against actual theories.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They do appear in other countries, its not entirely the US

      They don't really. Or rather they do but it is far, far more uncommon.

      • space_comrade [he/him]
        3 years ago

        You're wrong though. South America, Africa and Asia have pretty rich UFO lore, you just hear about the US cases the most because of dat cultural hegemony.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Not really. In a few places it sporadically becomes more frequent, especially in South America, because something received a lot of media attention. In Chile for instance the military offered a similar video which was thoroughly debunked, however it played enough that everyone started seeing aliens suddenly. But overall it's a phenomenon that started in the US and that is where it is still most prominent.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              3 years ago

              The US is what, 300 million people? The world has about 7 billion people. And yet most reports come from the US. I saw some research that said around 16% of Americans claimed to have seen a UFO. I can assure you no such thing happens in any place I know. I don't know about every single country but no matter where I look, every list in numerous languages has a massively disproportionate number of UFO sightings coming from the US.

              • space_comrade [he/him]
                3 years ago

                Most reports you personally hear about come from the US. You won't be able to get an easy overview of the entire dataset by doing a few google searches, you need to dig into this stuff a bit.

                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  I've done the digging, it's US everywhere lol. It's not that they don't exist from other countries, its just that like half of them conservatively speaking are from the US, when the US only has 300 million people or so. You also don't see nearly as many UFO hunters or whatever elsewhere.

                  • space_comrade [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    There are plenty of prominent cases that resist trivial debunking that are outside of the US, like the Ariel school incident or the Belgian UFO wave for example. I don't think it's particularly significant that most of the reported cases are in the US. The phenomenon is clearly worldwide.

                    Also if it is ET it would make sense they'd pay special attention to the US considering it's the current hegemon.

                    • Pezevenk [he/him]
                      3 years ago

                      The Belgian sighting has no significant differences to many other supposed sightings that have been debunked over and over. Something unusual happens, then it gets some attention, and then a million people get convinced they saw something odd because it's not hard to convince yourself you are seeing something odd by looking at the sky. Hell, a bunch of people often confuse the planet Venus for a UFO, because it is often close to the horizon and really bright. It's really not hard at all to get thousands and thousands of "sightings" after aggressively reporting on supposed UFOs. I remember when I was a little kid and I had seen some alien movie or whatever and in the following days I saw an oddly placed street lamp on some hill which I thought was a UFO, until I saw it again the next day and figured out what it was. The Ariel school thing happened to primary school children. I can't be sure exactly what it was of course but again, children are susceptible to mass hysteria especially in stressful environments and conditions, as well as really honestly believing that something which didn't happen to them actually did. Again, I also remember actually believing I heard reindeers on our roof top as a kid during Christmas. People often assume kids are either lying or saying what they really experienced, however kids can actually really believe something completely made up given the right trigger. It's not something that happens with just aliens. There's lots of cases of mass hysteria in schools for all sorts of stuff, like kids randomly falling down and having seizures for no reason after some kid started it, or satanic panic shit, or ghosts, etc. Google "school mass hysteria", you will find many cases like that (none to do with aliens, but they share similar features).

                      I don’t think it’s particularly significant that most of the reported cases are in the US.

                      It's significant because it's mostly a manifestation of certain social attitudes more so than it is something actually weird that people see.

                      • space_comrade [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        I don't buy the "mass hysteria" hypothesis for Ariel school. Some of the school children have been interviewed as adults and they still stick by the story. They all look like regular neurotypical people that don't seem prone to fantasy, not sure why they would keep sticking to the story it was just a child's imagination going wild.

                        • Pezevenk [he/him]
                          3 years ago

                          Some of the school children have been interviewed as adults and they still stick by the story

                          This is not weird. I kept believing my reindeers on the rooftop story until I realized Santa Clause doesn't exist, which was a few years after.

                          They all look like regular neurotypical people that don’t seem prone to fantasy, not sure why they would keep sticking to the story it was just a child’s imagination going wild.

                          Because it was reinforced by other people. You don't have to be neurodivergent. Many if not most perfectly neurotypical people have a false memory or two from childhood, if not more.

                          • space_comrade [he/him]
                            3 years ago

                            They all report it as being a very shocking and profound event in their lives, I just don't think that can really happen while imagining things on a playground.

                            Do you have any examples of mass hysteria that have such lasting effects?

                            • Pezevenk [he/him]
                              3 years ago

                              How lasting it is depends on how they proceeded to cope with it and what the experience was treated as by their surrounding so I can't tell you for sure. However here's one case from South Africa:

                              Or a famous case in Malaysia:

                              And another article talking about this:

                              • space_comrade [he/him]
                                3 years ago

                                The problem I have with the "mass hysteria" explanations is you don't really leave room for anything else, it can always serve as the go to explanation without putting too much thought into it. It kinda sounds lazy tbh. You can even say the pilots that are now appearing on the news were suffering from a collective delusion or something. It just completely negates the validity of eye witness testimony by default.

                                Also most mass hysteria cases have to do with a seemingly mysterious disease spreading and people feeling actual physical pain, not aliens.

                                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                  3 years ago

                                  Also most mass hysteria cases have to do with a seemingly mysterious disease spreading and people feeling actual physical pain, not aliens.

                                  A lot of them have to do with ghosts or nightmarish visions.

                                  You can even say the pilots that are now appearing on the news were suffering from a collective delusion or something.

                                  Adults can suffer from a collective delusion too but generally adult testimony coming from people who weren't all together in the same location is far more reliable than something like the primary school thing. With adults however something similar happens but much different when you broadcast something like that to a large number of people, because there's always gonna be a few people who will see an airplane and become convinced they had an alien encounter after seeing something on the TV.

                                  • space_comrade [he/him]
                                    3 years ago

                                    I don't get why aliens is the absolute last resort explanation though. Why is it easier to assume most people have hallucination-prone brains than that something weird is actually going on?

                                    It seems to me that the attitude that ET life cannot have been visiting Earth isn't really based on hard science and rationality at all but rather on arbitrary social attitudes or at best really rough guesstimates about the rarity of life in the galaxy (where people usually choose the estimates to get the numbers they wanted to get in the first place)

                                    • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                      3 years ago

                                      Why is it easier to assume most people have hallucination-prone brains

                                      Because it's something that is actually known to happen in some schools.

                                      It seems to me that the attitude that ET life cannot have been visiting Earth isn’t really based on hard science and rationality at all

                                      It is. Space is ridiculously sparse, we have never been able to detect any signs of extraterrestrial life or even particularly viable candidates of planets which could conceivably host life in our proximity, and for all we know there is an actual "speed limit" to the universe, so even some sort of ridiculously advanced civilization that can easily achieve speeds close to that of light would require decades or centuries at very best to reach Earth, ridiculous quantities of energy, and to do all that without us ever having picked up any kind of signal from them even only to notify us or whatever is hard to conceive. So it is highly unlikely that it was aliens and not just something related to something else which we already know to happen.

                                      • space_comrade [he/him]
                                        3 years ago

                                        It is. Space is ridiculously sparse, we have never been able to detect any signs of extraterrestrial life or even particularly viable candidates of planets which could conceivably host life in our proximity, and for all we know there is an actual “speed limit” to the universe, so even some sort of ridiculously advanced civilization that can easily achieve speeds close to that of light would require decades or centuries at very best to reach Earth, ridiculous quantities of energy, and to do all that without us ever having picked up any kind of signal from them even only to notify us or whatever is hard to conceive. So it is highly unlikely that it was aliens and not just something related to something else which we already know to happen.

                                        Why do you assume our current understanding of physics is the be all end all? Why couldn't an advanced ET race have FTL travel? We literally have ideas on how FTL could work even with our understanding of physics, and since recently it doesn't even involve exotic forms of energy anymore.

                                        You're just making up assumptions that fit into your narrative. I realize I'm doing the same though, I'm not saying I have it all figured out but neither do you. Why is it not fine to just say "shit's weird, it may even be aliens"

                                        • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                          3 years ago

                                          Why do you assume our current understanding of physics is the be all end all?

                                          That's not it. It's just that every time you have to add additional layers of unlikely, and it just keeps begging the question, why don't we pick any of this up? How have we not received either communications signals or the signals from all the exorbitant amounts of energy they probably have to use? Aliens visiting the earth would genuinely be extremely surprising, so of course other explanations in terms of stuff that we already know happens have to first be explored.

                                          • space_comrade [he/him]
                                            3 years ago

                                            Aliens visiting the earth would genuinely be extremely surprising, so of course other explanations in terms of stuff that we already know happens have to first be explored.

                                            I think we're at the point where they've been explored enough and it's time to seriously consider the ET hypothesis.

                                            why don’t we pick any of this up? How have we not received either communications signals or the signals from all the exorbitant amounts of energy they probably have to use?

                                            It could be a type of energy that we don't have the tools to detect yet? After all modern physics postulates stuff like dark matter that we can't even detect, we just think it's there.

                                            • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                              3 years ago

                                              I think we’re at the point where they’ve been explored enough and it’s time to seriously consider the ET hypothesis.

                                              Why? Pretty much every time there is supposed to be any kind of hard evidence it turns out to be something mundane. This time was the same, regardless of what media act like.

                                              It could be a type of energy that we don’t have the tools to detect yet?

                                              You can always fall back to "maybe it's something mysterious we don't know" but again this is adding extra layers of unlikely. It would be very weird if first contact was in person rather than radio wave communication, intentional or unintentional.

                                              • space_comrade [he/him]
                                                3 years ago

                                                You can always fall back to “maybe it’s something mysterious we don’t know” but again this is adding extra layers of unlikely.

                                                I think you're the one adding layers of unlikely. The point where prosaic explanations seem unlikelier than genuinely extraordinary explanations is subjective when you think about it. It boils down to your personal intuitions about what could be possible and what couldn't and it's not really based on reason. For me that threshold was crossed when trained fighter pilots started talking about seeing weird craft with no wings or engines doing weird shit.

                                                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                                  3 years ago

                                                  For me that threshold was crossed when trained fighter pilots started talking about seeing weird craft with no wings or engines doing weird shit.

                                                  And yet every single one of the videos they were drawing these conclusions from (remember, the videos are exactly what they were seeing for the most part themselves, is very easily explainable otherwise and has been replicated in terms of things that happen far more routinely, and indeed given the data from the very videos displayed they performed none of the claimed maneuvers. So why would a bunch of stuff that we don't even know if they are remotely possible are the better explanation? The pilots were clearly having a brain fart, remember that point where the pilot said he started going in circles and the craft was mirroring him from the other side of the circle? This sounds like a very weird thing for the aliens to do, but it happens to be exactly what it looks when the object you are circling is sitting mostly still close to the center of the circle, while you think it's actually moving at the opposite side of the circle. And then as he tried to cut through the circle, it zoomed past him, which again sounds exactly like what it should appear like if the object is actually like half as far away from you than you think and you try going directly towards it. Like come on, that's clearly a brain fart. I don't know why they had these brain farts, it might be because they got too excited. But brain farts they were.

                                                  • space_comrade [he/him]
                                                    3 years ago

                                                    The pilots were clearly having a brain fart

                                                    And that's where we disagree. I find it extremely unlikely that all those people were having "brain farts" and just decided to join along with some cooky politicians to peddle aliens to get more military money or whatever. That to me sounds way more unlikely than it actually being aliens.

                                                    • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                                      3 years ago

                                                      Why would something that actually really happens literally all the time be more unlikely than a whole host of things that no one knows if they are even possible happened lol

                                                      Like it's not even debatable whether at least parts of their testimony is just them having a brain fart, the data from their own videos contradicts what they thought they were seeing. People worked out the speed of the object in the GO FAST video based on the angles and distances that the camera displayed on the screen and it was not going very fast at all, it was going at about wind velocity (so probably a balloon or something similar). So we know that at least the parts available to us right now did not show the behavior they thought they saw. So clearly at least parts of the testimony are brain farts.

                                                      • space_comrade [he/him]
                                                        3 years ago

                                                        Why would something that actually really happens literally all the time

                                                        No, well trained pilots hallucinating craft of extremely advanced technology doesn't happen literally all the time. Do you realize these people are explicitly trained in recognizing objects in the sky in a blink of an eye? They know how balloons and other fighter jets look like when they're flying.

                                                        The videos themselves are the least compelling piece of evidence IMO. Some of the leaked videos are probably mundane, some aren't, they aren't that important (yet) IMO since they really don't show much.

                                                        What you have yet to explain is why they're moving forward with this in mainstream media? I find all the usual prosaic explanations (psyop to increase funding etc.) extremely uncompelling and it honestly verges into QAnon wackjob conspiracy theory territory.

                                                        • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                                          3 years ago

                                                          They didn't hallucinate, they just thought it was further than it was lol. Their testimonies contradicted the videos.

                                                          What you have yet to explain is why they’re moving forward with this in mainstream media? I find all the usual prosaic explanations (psyop to increase funding etc.) extremely uncompelling and it honestly verges into QAnon wackjob conspiracy theory territory.

                                                          Why is it so far fetched to you? They've done way more far fetched stuff. There is many reasons why they would do it. Some people have even more mundane explanations, like that the videos were leaked anyways (which they were) so they were like eh whatever, let's release them anyways so people stop bothering us about it and pretend like we are taking this seriously. But the DIA once took Uri Geller's supposed powers seriously and had a whole report about him even though most of his tricks are ridiculously easy to figure out (I don't even know why he got so famous in the first place, like some of his tricks are for babies, he had a trick where he supposedly read your mind and guessed what it was that you had drawn and the whole trick was literally that he was peeking and it was kinda obvious) they're not exactly a paragon of reasonable choices anyways.

                                                          • space_comrade [he/him]
                                                            3 years ago

                                                            Why is it so far fetched to you?

                                                            Because they don't need to pull this shit, at all. There are way more elegant ways of achieving those goals, ways that they have already used many times with great success. They do not need to invent aliens, the only reason why they'd be doing that is for the fun of it.

                                                            • Pezevenk [he/him]
                                                              3 years ago

                                                              It's nothing contrived, they just leaked a couple of videos and said "woah look, weird shit, now give money to investigate". It doesn't come at any cost. They didn't even say they were aliens, other than the pilots of course, because obviously the pilots prefer to be in the spotlight as the people who saw aliens instead of being the people who had a massive brain fart.

                                                              • space_comrade [he/him]
                                                                3 years ago

                                                                Alright man suit yourself, to me personally multiple skilled pilots hallucinating aliens in pretty much the same manner seems way more unlikely than actual aliens but to each their own, we'll see soon enough.

          • space_comrade [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Well apparently China is doing its own UFO disclosure:

            I haven't managed to independently verify all of the info in the video but the "five continents forum" things seems like it's real.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              3 years ago

              All this video shows is that in a country where literally billions of people live, there is a small organization of ufologists unconnected to the government which organized an international conference. Um alright but that's not really anything to do with China doing a UFO disclosure.

              • space_comrade [he/him]
                3 years ago

                It actually is connected to the government if the video is to be believed, did you even watch it to the end?

                All that said I couldn't really independently verify most of the info, so it might just be bullshit.

                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  It actually is connected to the government if the video is to be believed, did you even watch it to the end?

                  It didn't show anything that indicated that, at least as much as I watched. Maybe it said so in some part I skipped. The closest it came to was where it said they invited a bunch of government officials. But you can invite whomever they want, they don't have to have anything to do with you. The other argument was that the Chinese government allows them to exist therefore they're directly set up by Xi himself or whatever, which is just "everyone in China is part of a CCP hive mind" nonsense. I can't even find any sources on anything about this org that don't trace back to the same couple of ufology websites.

                  • space_comrade [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    Yeah I'm pretty skeptical of that too, I can't find any info myself except that it does seem like an actual thing. It did mention government officials participating in it, even on fairly high levels.