I moved here from America last year because they have tuition free college, and I'm honestly impressed with how stupid and evil this country is. Like I truly believe there is less revolutionary potential here than in America. Say what you will about America, but there is a general social attitude that does not put up with these bullshit opinions being publicly voiced.

Overall, Germany has some cool stuff going on, but they're also quite stupid and clueless.

  • RealAssHistoryHours [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    You don't even know what racism is apparently. There is no racism against Germans. Germans are part of the world order that imposes racism on the colonized. If you want to say I'm prejudiced against Germans, very well. I accept the charge, because you only validate my prejudice with your attempts to "demystify race" through this attempt at color blind cultural analysis.

    Fanon writes about the "FACT OF BLACKNESS."

    "I had rationalized the world and the world had rejected me on the basis of color prejudice. Since no agreement was possible on the level of reason, I threw myself back toward unreason. It was up to the white man to be more irrational than I. Out of the necessities of my struggle I had chosen the method of regression, but the fact re-mained that it was an unfamiliar weapon; here I am at home; I am made of the irrational; I wade in the irrational Up to the neck in the irrational. And now how my voice vibrates!"

    What brain worms that Fanon internalizes in asserting himself as a BLACK MAN.

    Read chapter 5 of Black Skin, White Masks. But then again I bet you will see yourself as the German in place of the Black Man and the Anglo in place of the white. The victim of the irrationality of racism.

    • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      And again the same old dissmissivness , the same Arrogance

      Again you dissmiss my Critic of the Anglo Sphere by Method of beeing insanly sheltered in the Anglo Sphere

      "You dont know what Racism is / and there is no Racism against Germans" ... you start the conversation with a bunch of Arrogant dissmissals based on your and Mine assumed offspring .

      Your Instinct is Not to actually go into a single argument , But to establish some form of Hirachy above me that is Based on the place of Origin , because of which you then dont even have to go into an Argument

      So I get it .... , you dont actually can or want to defend your hole the "white race " Anglo reflex. Which was my main sour Point and hopefully you will be a little bit more carefull in the Future about for whom exactly you can claim to be an spokesperson..

      So have fun with your studies , ... they are your living proof that you dont actually know it all right now ...


      • RealAssHistoryHours [he/him,they/them]
        3 years ago

        Are Germans white? Yes or no. I guarantee you 99 percent of black and indigenous people would say Germans are white. Do they have the "anglo brain worms" as well?

        • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          no they have german brainworm , obviously they are way way more devious . They Dont run simply on Colour as they do in the Anglo world they run way more on a Certain percieved Cultural Historical Hegemony/ Hiarchy and "Leechers " very importantly "Leechers" , with culture playing an importand part in it and also way way more important "Milieu" which is Super Hardwired ..

          And it is oriented , fixated on a "Materialist" - Baselinie , on the baseline you are currently yourself enjoying. (Article 1 - Basic Law ) ,- i know its wierd to talk from a "materialistic" Baseline and to refere to a Law article - But from this Article 1 Derives a certain logic , certain State guiding prinicples that lead to material outcomes like yours and of course on other end get twisted and corrupted and easly forgotten.

          So the Anglo Society in particular does not really have this , how shall i call it . "Base Human Value" establisched anywhere the same Way Mainland Europe Has. That it does not is actually one of the most significant cultural dividing linies beetwen Mainland and "Ociania" , The Mainland has Ground and the Islands treats Water so to say Metaphorical . Therefore the Dialog is never about "Access to the Baseline of Human Dignity" (as there is "materialisticly " simply non ). It loses itself in wierd (and without no baseline ) unmessuarable and unsolveable relations beetween percieved Groups of superimposted categories. Divisive and not Helpfull .

          Lets take education . There instead of granting access based the principle of Human Dignity.
          In "Oceania" , where offical Documents have Race Categories , Instead of establishing this baseline , the "Privledge" of education simply gets granted (scholarships) based often times on Race Categories , and progress then is when these race categories get weighted differntly ... its so wierd... it does not strive towards anything it has no vision , its fucking insane from the outside .. Metaphorically speaking : , to Messure equality , you need a solid ground to place your scales on.... , Not some wierd Historical Awareness of "white guilt" and white Punishment and all of this stuff. Its a pure Inmaterial and a Ideoligcal Deadend.

          The Results , you posted it yourself are not desireable at all. Instead of Invocing Human Dignity and Equality by having a this as material guiding principe for society . A fixpoint , it is just trying to turn the scale of Punishment and Privledge in a sea of water with no solid ground..

          It is super wierd from the outside ... i think this "Controvery" shows the Difference in sentiment very well..
