woke DSA comrades: "noooo, I'm not a settler anymore!!!! indigenous people have already been genocided so I'm innocent little baby who you must respect". I always hear these hipsters say their finance imperialist hive is innocent, but I have never once heard them demand for the recognition of indigenous treaties. Worthless opportunists are slime clinging to the sewer of the empire

  • Vncredleader
    3 years ago

    Shit like

    murderous bourgeois regimes like Iran showcases so much inhumanity it is staggering. Leftcoms want people to sacrifice themselves with no actual goal or attempt to win all so that they personally are able to feel bad for those deaths without getting called out for something. Same people who bashed revolutions for getting aid from the USSR and called them inauthentic and puppets. Honestly leftcoms and shining path have a lot in common in that respect. Somehow a general strike is more practical than material conditions and anti-imperial alliances