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It’s been a term in use in British politics since the 1950s - originally to describe CPGB members who supported the Hungarian invasion, but eventually just as a slur against the left. Alastair Campbell notes in his diaries that Blair used it as an insult in 1996 to refer to himself and David Milliband.
Edit: also this headline is from 2015 when Boris was still just doing corruption as Mayor of London, and the media hadn’t figured out the anti-semitism line against :long-corbyn:
That nit-picking aside it’s still gonna be funny hearing Biden saying “my oppo - the presi…Taylor-Greene says I’m a tanker…cmon man, I haven’t ever been to Hungary, or know any Gary for that matter. It’s a damn lie, I cannot and will not start a fight with Mr. Khrushchev”
I guess this is why I really don't understand the whole "who taught liberals these words" thing. They've been fairly common since before the vast majority of the online left was born.
:100-com: it’s even recorded in Hansard 10 years ago
Yep. It's a constant struggle session with my socdem mom trying to get her to understand that the only way to break the deadlock of American politics is stop trying to fuck around with democrats and fight for our own party(s).
This refers to Corbyn as Labour leader in the present tense.
Someone got fooled by a years-old headline.
Politicians using the term tankie is gonna be a problem for my psyche
shortly before Kamala Harris calls AOC a tankie during the 2024 primary debates
shortly before AOC calls La Riva a tankie in the last presidential debate
Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Tankies by its opponents in power? Where the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Tankieism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?