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  • whygodwhy [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    That’s neo-liberalism.

    Which is capitalism. Neoliberalism is a really stupid term used by those leftists who want to contrast modern day capitalism to some past capitalism where things were much better. The tendency for increased pauperization and crises is inbuilt in capitalism, neoliberalism is not some new philosophy that is causing things(idealism), but the ideological justification for capitalism's current state.

    Neoliberalism–the opening of markets and borders–enables capital to effortlessly crush labor. The social democrats, in embracing open borders, have institutionalized an open immigration that shreds the scarcity value of domestic labor in favor of lower cost immigrant/overseas labor that serves capital’s desire for lower costs.

    This has been going on for 200 years, once again you are using neoliberalism to explain what capitalists normally do and have always done. It is not that "neoliberalism" suddenly became popular among the ruling class.

    They can’t just come out and explain to people that national sovereignty is essentially dead, and that political power now resides among a network of global corporations (which couldn’t care less about their “nationality”) exploiting a globalized labor market (which is why their “good jobs” are not coming back) and a globalized financial market (which is why almost everything is being privatized and their families are being debt-enslaved).

    You are completely clueless if you think "national sovereignity is dead". Not only are nation-states the primary holders of political power, but imperialism literally is about nation-states constantly using all means possible to gain advantages for their national capitalists.

    exploiting a globalized labor market (which is why their “good jobs” are not coming back)

    What reactionary nonsense is this? Declining real wages and the precarity of the proletariat in the West is not just because of globalization, but mainly from the lack of class struggle on the side of the working class, and from the natural dynamics of capitalism.

    If you consider the international proletariat, then "neoliberalism" has resulted in massive improvements in the wages and conditions of the working class in China and India. China would not have developed as it has if the West didnt export its manufacturing and if it remained protectionist. Same goes for India which only began developing with the liberalization of its economy. So if you were consistent about the logical path you are taking, you would conclude the the neoliberal phase since the 80s resulted in massive improvement in living standards of 2.7 billion people.

    globalized financial market (which is why almost everything is being privatized and their families are being debt-enslaved).

    What does "globalization of finance" have to do with privatization and debt-slavery? You are not explaining anything by using buzzwords and pretending you're making a point. Nationalization of certain industries is done only if it favors the capitalist class as a whole, like national healthcare or national railways etc. The privatization of these, is also done if the capitalist class wants to do so, for increased private profits for example. Nationalization vs privatization is what social democrats and other petit-bourgs worry about, for communists and for the working class in general, it doesn't really matter. Debt-slavery can be the result of many things like declining wages and inflation, not just "globalized finance".

    Nor can they admit that the “War on Terror” and the European refugee crisis it has caused, and the chaos and slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, et cetera, is the predictable result of neo-liberalism aggressively restructuring the Greater Middle East, which it started doing more or less immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union

    Why are you using this stupid term to explain different things? The wars in the Middle East are standard imperialist wars, that have been going on for centuries, to replace uncooperative states with states that are more pliant to the imperialist interests.

    I suggest you read Marx to understand basic facts about the nature of capitalism and class society, instead of regurgitating whatever nonsense you have learnt from other leftist idiots who probably explained what you know to you.