Dunno where else to put this, but since it's askchapo I guess I gotta ask something: anyone experience anything somewhat similar?

I was running around this building desperately trying to find a specific room because I was late for something, as a giant pigeon dropped blue shit on me while certain family members chased me while yelling about what a horrible person I am.

Woke up at like 3 shaking with chills and had a sleep paralysis episode as well :)

Went back to sleep and still woke up extremely confused and disoriented far earlier than I usually do, the light filtering through the curtains made everything look yellow, and for a few minutes it felt like I had died and this was the afterlife. For the rest of the morning I had this sensation of something being off about... everything. Also had a pounding headache.

Weird shit

  • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I had a some pretty bad fever/chills from my second dose (not the worse I've had) once my first dose of tylenol wore off. My initial fever dream was about my body being a nuclear reactor, as I was watching Chernobyl with my SO and playing a lot of factorio. I had to shunt the heat and energy to the different parts of my body, it was probably my most metatextual dream I've ever had, and most of the time my fever dreams are consistent and similar.

    Take your tylenol as a regimen with your vaccines, it helps a lot.