sexual pathology without an outlet is worse than sexual pathology with an outlet, yes
For libs, politics is aesthetics is politics. Everyone said that with Biden in charge libs would go back to brunch but my God, what an understatement.
I didn't make it, and this is nonsense. Libs who excuse Kamala while hating Trump are the target here. Stop being a baby.
I shouldn't bother explaining the obvious to a month-old account that's DeEPly coNcERNed about how fascist it is to make fun of Kamala Harris and hypocritical libs in a slightly ironic way, but it's Trump's words that are "inappropriate," while Kamala's are "appropriate." It's a modification of the original comic, where the schlubby guy hitting on the woman is "inappropriate," while the hot guy is "appropriate." That's what makes this a joke.
So fucking what? This isn't reddit, and we aren't stupidpolers we know who we are and we know what sense we post shit in. This is a dunk on libs for being BlueMAGA, that's the title.
Here's who I got it from- the fascist Green Party, Nina Turner supporter. I don't know who made the meme first, the right or the left, but it's completely true either way.
"inappropriate" is labeling Trump NOT the statement "this is white supremacy"
Do you think Trump is appropriate? Do you love the idea of Trump in an office dynamic? You can't deny reality all you want but this is dead daft.
Can we :gulag: this shit an just move on?
Uhhh, I believe in the context of the original comic it’s the guy in the lower panel being called “inappropriate”. Hence mean Trump is the inappropriate one.
You do get what the joke is here right? The original comic has two dudes doing the same thing but one is a hot Chad and the other is an ugly dork, yet the woman only calls HR on the dorky guy.
Now yeah there’s a sexist undertone to the OG comic but the basic premise is that some people are okay with behavior they’d usually condemn if it’s coming from some they like. Really both Trump AND Kamalas behavior is inappropriate, but we’re mocking Libs who don’t see it that way.
Now yeah some CHUDs have used the same meme but like, that’s almost all memes. If we forbid any meme format a chud has used we won’t have many left.
Yeah this guy is definitely a nazi and you're a hero for pointing it out.
Calm down
THIS IS WHITE SUPREMACY reaction as “inappropriate”
No the label inappropriate is labeling the statement, not the reaction
You can argue about some of the details (i.e. the "inappropriate" label) but the broader point is a good one: Harris' statement is functionally the same as Trump's (and both are wrong, seeking asylum is perfectly legal) but libs will pretend like orange man bad but cop good.