of course even white westerners here still simp for him after he's said multiple times how proud he was to help destroy our countries. Fuck the troops all day.

    • Gkalaitza [he/him]
      3 years ago

      "You shouldnt shit on troops and shouldnt moralize individuals bro, its the MACHINE , something something structual analysis bro , we gotta win em over bro trust me its propaganda's fault" . . . "Yeah what about cops?, FUCK ALL OF THEM PIECE OF SHIT PIGS BEINGS DESERVE NO SYMPATHY THEY FORFIETED THE RIGHT TO BE TREATED AS HUMANS WHEN THEY BECAME COPS"

      I am a very coherent american leftist and these are totally different things cause i say so and cause otherwise i would feel like a hypocrite . Also i can still be friends with that troop friend from highschool without any personal conflict

      • Gkalaitza [he/him]
        3 years ago

        There are massive massive amounts of pro cop propaganda and bias at every cultural and social level of american society. Cop good, cop hero, cop catch bad guys, cop keep safe neighbourhood from goons.Movies, tv, news, politicians, family. Even if its shaken a bit in the last year or so, the cops we ACAB at surely have joined way before. If its excusable to become a troop cause of the propaganda and social and cultural bias and constructed image its similarly excusable to chose to become a cop as well. Never see any leftists keeping this energy for cops tho, why

          • Gkalaitza [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I do agree about the corades that openly regred and copletely denounce their service (Carter isnt one of them ) but these excuses i pointed out towards one group and not the other (while they apply to both equaly) are used as a general approach towards all troops and zero cops. Just because more military veterans turn socialist than former cops that doesnt begin to explain and and justify these diametricaly opposed behaviors towards those groups and justifications given for them. Also that very fact of more former troops denouncing their service is probably cause most cops work till like their 50s and and its a decade spanning profession for almost anyone. Soldiers and more specificaly active troop have a much shorter turnout rate and almost never leave or stop being active for ideological reasons or cause they regret their actions. If a very small minority of them regrets it afterwards its not cause they are more working class than cops but cause they get time away from active service anyway much sooner.

            And the additional point is that there is no reason to believe that this wouldnt happen for a small minority either way even if the revolutionary left treated troops and cops, military and police rhetorically in the same way. Otherwise we should stop doing it to cops to and see them turn around in bigger numbers