• QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago

    The day after she 'commits suicide' the account will post something generic and unremarkable

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    First i believed it was her, because of the name & ocean interests & weird "haha just wondering about consent laws in america with teens even tho i'm claiming to be a malaysian man", then someone pointed out this account posted the date Ghislane was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding and i was like. Alright, she probably couldn't have done that then, unless she like found a 3rd party scheduler. But now i'm back in the but what if tho zone, because it's been so long.

    Honestly even if that person isn't Ghislane, a bunch of people saw their creepy pedo comments. It even made internet news and made it off reddit. I can see why they would stay away.. tho they're also a mod so idk, i'd just yeet that acct and start over with a new acct. The other mods are clearly participating in whatever is going on, either taking real or faking screenshots and speaking up for them so like. They could easily get back on the mod team or whatever. There's also that /worldnews is banning anyone for mentioning that user, but tbh that's just probably normal pedos looking out for other pedos.

    The Epstein brain really takes its toll but at least it gives me a few minutes respite from thinking about how much i hate living in america

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        True, it was in 2010 so i was thinking phones back then might not have been capable of that, but idk. I'm a Poor and thus never had good phones so idk what rich people phones were like back then

        • NonWonderDog [he/him]
          4 years ago

          First iPhone was 2007, and I remember actually seeing a classmate at college with one that year; they were very popular.

          Rich fucks tended to still use shitty Blackberrys because Microsoft Exchange and whatever the Blackberry clone was didn't work on iPhones, but by 2010 the iPhone had pretty much taken over.

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Or just not posting at all, because Reddit is full of unwell people. If that were my account, I'd delete it. Some things in life aren't worth the hassle, and having Reddit detectives after you is absolutely one of them.

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Preventing a person from posting should be considered cruel and unusual punishment tbh

      • No_Values [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Yes, honestly imo I don't think so, would GM really spend several hours a day as a reddit power user? it's more likely it's some random who can't be fucked to deal with the harassment they'd get if they start posting publicly again

        • Zocha [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Maybe. Why would they stop posting in the first place? That's what started the conspiracy in the first place. I doubt they would face much harassment if they just acted normal. Why does the account inactivity match up with some wedding and funeral dates? It's not really worth dwelling on it too much though, since it's pretty inconsequential compared to the rest of what ghislaine did.

          • No_Values [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            I believe their posting stopped several days before the arrest, and there are several more likely reasons for this that than the account being connected to GM: holiday, medical problems etc, and they didn't resume posting because of the massive amount of messages and replies from the /r/conspiracy brain trust after they decided it was confirmed based on the circumstantial evidence you've provided

            I doubt they would face much harassment if they just acted normal.

            Bullshit, any new public activity; even a categorical denial along with proof the user isn't GM, would just incite another wave of 'theorizing' and harassment; 'see they hired a crisis actor to throw us off the trail, maxwellhill == jizzlane CONFIRMED'

            True we probably will never know for sure, but it being a random person rather than GM requires less assumptions and is thus more likely imo

            • Zocha [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Yeah conspiracy is pretty braindead. They constantly whine about "powermods controlling the narrative on reddit" which is probably why they are latching onto this so hard, even though it's nothing compared to the other stuff.

              • No_Values [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Yeah, that along with waiting to feel 'useful' to a situation they have no power over