There's some dumb stuff in this piece, but I'm glad SOMEONE in Washington with influence is speaking out against the emerging consensus. Hooray for Succdem Grampa


  • RNAi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Dumb shit I found there:

    The global challenges that the United States faces today: climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, massive economic inequality, terrorism, corruption, authoritarianism

    Sure, those highlighted things surely are a treat to the US and not caused by it, sure.

    China has moved in a more authoritarian direction, and China has become increasingly aggressive on the global stage

    Fuck you Bern, there's nothing more authoritarian or aggressive than the great satan, and I'm glad all you scums are shitting your pants in awe of a counterpower

    The Chinese government is surely guilty of many policies and practices that I oppose and that all Americans should oppose: the theft of technology, the suppression of workers’ rights and the press, the repression taking place in Tibet and Hong Kong, Beijing’s threatening behavior toward Taiwan, and the Chinese government’s atrocious policies toward the Uyghur people. The United States should also be concerned about China’s aggressive global ambitions



    if democracy is going to win out, it will do so not on a traditional battlefield but by demonstrating that democracy can actually deliver a better quality of life for people than authoritarianism can

    Well, yes, Chinese democracy is clearly delivering far better than 'murica's authoritarianism.

    Although the primary concern of the U.S. government is the security and prosperity of the American people

    X - Doubt

    ..., our security and prosperity are connected to people everywhere.

    Yeah, inversely proportional thanks to imperialism

    ...To that end, it is in our interest to work with other wealthy nations to raise living standards around the world and diminish the grotesque economic inequality that authoritarian forces exploit to build their own political power and undermine democracy.


    Americans must not be naive about China’s repression, disregard for human rights, and global ambitions.

    "Well intentioned libs must not be naive about Murica's repression, disregard for human rights and global ambitions." FTFY.

    What are these 'global ambitions' you fear so much? Worst case scenario, another player doing imperialism but without crumbling internally? If you like murica so much why would it be bad for another country to do the same shit they do?

    Fuck you Bernie, go to sleep,

    Bernie Sanders is a social-imperialist. I wish for the murican empire to crumble and balkanize. By the way, "balkanize" is a very rich word isn't, Bernie?

    • HarryLime [any]
      3 years ago

      I did say there was dumb stuff in there. He's a succdem who's been in the US congress for like eight hundred years whadayagonnado?

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      Anybody who says that America should be concerned with another country's "global ambitions" can be ignored.

    • Vncredleader
      3 years ago

      Dont mention the Balkans, he might see some unbombed marketplaces

    • newmou [he/him]
      3 years ago

      God damn it there’s no time for this shit anymore. He simply doesn’t recognize the stakes or the victims

      • RNAi [he/him]
        3 years ago
        i n c r e m e n t a l i s m 

        Being a pillar of the status quo since the beginning of times