I’m literally the most reverse racist anti-white person on this site and i’ve never seen an unironic example of this type of person you describe, this place isn’t as cool as that
Only if they elevate whiteness and establish it as their primary identity, if they don't then no their devaluing of it is a social utility all it's own, if they do then yeah they do share responsibility because they're advancing a specific ideology and historical mode of social formation integral to the maintenance of global capitalism ....and even then I wouldn't bomb those fuckin people, that type of psycho leftist is a hysterical invention, and this whole conservation based on a moronic false equivalence shows just how, (pardon the phrase) "fragile" and inherently myopic whiteness is that someone would immediately attempt to compare the petty ass cracker grievances of leftist online shitposting to the continuous war of annihilation waged by the United States against the working peoples of the Third World, a war that has killed at least 2 million in twenty years, in just the middle east alone
And yeah the difference between me and others who hold similar positions is that I DO in fact think the plurality of white people establish whiteness as their primary identity
I generally operate under the assumption that my own subconscious “white ideology” is going to fuck any of my takes up so I just sort of take whatever non-white leftists say at face value
While generally that's a good instinct to possess, the true project is to drag whiteness kicking and screaming out of the subconscious, deconstruct and submit it to that "ruthless criticism" Marxists are so famous for, because I'll tell you right now "non-whites" can absolutely identify with whiteness and integrate it into their own subconscious, we're all inundated with white ideology and the noxious racialism it instills in both POCs and the melaninly challenged, even I wasn't immune and don't believe anyone who says they were
I’m literally the most reverse racist anti-white person on this site and i’ve never seen an unironic example of this type of person you describe, this place isn’t as cool as that
lol trust me no one comes close, one day I will be banned for being too mean to the melaninly impaired
here’s a meme you posted about protecting kkkracker anarchokkkiddies from being bullied.
Clearly you have some unprocessed :lmayo: sympathizes. You don’t hold a candle to black_mold_futures
That just links back to the site itself
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Only if they elevate whiteness and establish it as their primary identity, if they don't then no their devaluing of it is a social utility all it's own, if they do then yeah they do share responsibility because they're advancing a specific ideology and historical mode of social formation integral to the maintenance of global capitalism ....and even then I wouldn't bomb those fuckin people, that type of psycho leftist is a hysterical invention, and this whole conservation based on a moronic false equivalence shows just how, (pardon the phrase) "fragile" and inherently myopic whiteness is that someone would immediately attempt to compare the petty ass cracker grievances of leftist online shitposting to the continuous war of annihilation waged by the United States against the working peoples of the Third World, a war that has killed at least 2 million in twenty years, in just the middle east alone
And yeah the difference between me and others who hold similar positions is that I DO in fact think the plurality of white people establish whiteness as their primary identity
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While generally that's a good instinct to possess, the true project is to drag whiteness kicking and screaming out of the subconscious, deconstruct and submit it to that "ruthless criticism" Marxists are so famous for, because I'll tell you right now "non-whites" can absolutely identify with whiteness and integrate it into their own subconscious, we're all inundated with white ideology and the noxious racialism it instills in both POCs and the melaninly challenged, even I wasn't immune and don't believe anyone who says they were
We gotta make the crackers ethnic again
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