Calling an entire country homophobic is peak lib racism. Same shit as when they were saying Texans deserved to freeze to death.
I dunno. People talk about countries being racist all the time. There are a whole bunch of countries where most people are proudly homophobic.
Not saying that bombing them is a solution.
It's a generalization of an entire population, usually one of mostly non-white people. And one that they surely wouldn't use to describe their own.
This site makes arguments for collective guilt all the time. I don’t think we can suddenly revert back to “individual responsibility” when the population being held to account is one we sympathize with.
It's still an example of the form of unconscious racism in liberals.
Okay, yes, but if Anglos can be held collective responsible for shit the states representing them do, and that some X%-above-50 supports, even if randomly John Doe is personally against it, the same goes for POC nations.
The racist part is where they use it as justification for bombing people and the double standard that they seem to reserve that stance for nonwhite countries.
Well like the other guy you’re replying too, I also don’t support bombing countries just because they’re gov’n/most of their citizens hold regressive views.
But my original comment that they came in with the "well actually" to was me calling the poster in the image racist for using that justification. Y'all are arguing with a point I didn't make.
but if Anglos can be held collective responsible for shit the states representing them do
literally no one
literally no one?
I mean come on there’s at least a handful of people who feel that way here.
It’s not our fault if we let in a few irony poisoned libs who don’t understand material analysis
These people maybe irony poisoned but I wouldn’t call them Libs
I’m literally the most reverse racist anti-white person on this site and i’ve never seen an unironic example of this type of person you describe, this place isn’t as cool as that
I’m literally the most reverse racist anti-white person on this site
lol trust me no one comes close, one day I will be banned for being too mean to the melaninly impaired
here’s a meme you posted about protecting kkkracker anarchokkkiddies from being bullied.
Clearly you have some unprocessed :lmayo: sympathizes. You don’t hold a candle to black_mold_futures
Only if they elevate whiteness and establish it as their primary identity, if they don't then no their devaluing of it is a social utility all it's own, if they do then yeah they do share responsibility because they're advancing a specific ideology and historical mode of social formation integral to the maintenance of global capitalism ....and even then I wouldn't bomb those fuckin people, that type of psycho leftist is a hysterical invention, and this whole conservation based on a moronic false equivalence shows just how, (pardon the phrase) "fragile" and inherently myopic whiteness is that someone would immediately attempt to compare the petty ass cracker grievances of leftist online shitposting to the continuous war of annihilation waged by the United States against the working peoples of the Third World, a war that has killed at least 2 million in twenty years, in just the middle east alone
And yeah the difference between me and others who hold similar positions is that I DO in fact think the plurality of white people establish whiteness as their primary identity
I generally operate under the assumption that my own subconscious “white ideology” is going to fuck any of my takes up so I just sort of take whatever non-white leftists say at face value
While generally that's a good instinct to possess, the true project is to drag whiteness kicking and screaming out of the subconscious, deconstruct and submit it to that "ruthless criticism" Marxists are so famous for, because I'll tell you right now "non-whites" can absolutely identify with whiteness and integrate it into their own subconscious, we're all inundated with white ideology and the noxious racialism it instills in both POCs and the melaninly challenged, even I wasn't immune and don't believe anyone who says they were
We gotta make the crackers ethnic again
I guess we’ve reached the point in this site where it’s necessary to say: I don’t literally think we should glass Israel. Can I get unbanned from Twitch now?
I mean, it's a statistical thing. If ninety percent of population hate gays and there are anti-gay laws I think it's fair to say it's a homophobic country.
that's still 10 percent that don't deserve to be bombed no?
I'm surprised I have to make clear on this site that I don't think bombing is good way of making people less homophobic, but l already did in my previous comment.
I used to be a homophobe, but then I had a fireworks accident. Bombings work
My point still stands that this is what liberal racism looks like, it's not as intentional or overt as right wing shitheads it's a casual disregard for the lives of people in other countries that they definitely wouldn't hold the same standard for white people for.
I understand the whole human rights industrial complex thing is usually just an instrument to manufacture consent for imperialist aggression. Still, doesn't mean that calling Russia a homophobic country is in concept a more of unfair generalisation than calling France an islamophobic country.
I just have a principle of not using such generalizations of "countries" the state sure, and maybe that seems like pedantry but I think it's an important distinction. It also depends on the person making the critique and the post this is a bout is definitely not thinking about this in the terms you or I are.
No, its only fair to say that 90% of that country is homophobic.
The 10% are likely victims of it, and punishing them along with the others is a similar evil to being homophobic.
Judging an entire population for the actions of part of them is literaly the foundation of racism, homophobia and most bigotry.
“Affects” as in dropping munitions on people, yes bombs and shitposting about terfs definitely a one to one there
Freezing is a collective punishment. Has nothing to do with individuals.
This argument is literally how neoliberal multiculturalism sanctions war crimes.
I agree, we should bomb terf island into accepting trans people. :ukkk:
This, except the bombing don't stop even when they stop being TERFs.
Look, these people may be suffering under some bad hierarchies, but I bet if we killed a couple million of them then they might... uhm..... well lets bomb first and see how that goes first
When your ideology comes in blister packs of 11 at your local shop
This is the first time in my memory I've considered a post here to be violence.
Link because OP is a lib
I'm sure there are Americans who would relish a protracted bloody ground war in Alabama, refugee camps filling up in Tennessee and Louisiana, and a US Green Zone centered in Mobile.
Just so long as none of it interrupted the shipping of Amazon packages through Bessemer.