The way they show you poor people get emotional and anxious over potentially winning or losing money that sometimes literally could mean LIFE to them. The way we casually show them on T.V as slaves of a cruel and nonsensical game whose rules are stupid, unfair and biased against them.

The way people can even somehow enjoy watching real life humans being ridiculed by an asshole in a suit that earns more money than any "player" could ever dream of having.

It's predatory, disgusting and a way of creating and weaponizing class contempt in the most passive of ways. Fuck Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

T.V is merely a way to sell our available brain time to advertisers. You don't need to read 1984 or Animal Farm or whatever anti communist text written by a snitch to see dystopia. Just push the button on the big screen in your living room and watch as thousands of brands try to convince you their product is the absolute way while utterly failing at accurately depicting actual humans. Because capitalism is everything but human.

  • Lerios [hy/hym]
    4 years ago

    The same goes 100% for things like the jeremy kyle show (which might be analogous to jerry springer or doctor phil in the US? they basically take people from trailer parks and council houses and "help" them by settling their domestic disputes and doing paternity tests etc. All of which, off course, needs to be dramatised for tv.)

    I remember these shows would make me feel genuinely queasy and anxious when I was little, kind of the same way kids at school made me feel, and I had no idea why. And on goes the show, entirely fuelled by members of the lumpenproletariat, every joke (made out of the possible destruction of these people's lives and families btw) clearly being enhanced by their tracksuits or their accents that sounded just like mine. I realise, retrospectively, that they were flagrantly making fun of us for our economic conditions, and that was apparently just fine for nationally aired daytime entertainment.

    • cummunist [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I'm neither from the U.S or the U.K but I have no problem imagining what kind of show you're referring to. Fuck that shit dedicated to make idiots feel better about themselves.

    • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      For real, the Jeremy Kyle show is fucked up, it's an open secret that they'll try to ply contestants with drugs/alcohol behind the scenes, goad them into bitching about each other and try to ensure they don't get enough sleep to try and cause more drama, it's repugnant.