Was your gifted program just a class of high performing students or was it a group of people who scored 130+ on IQ tests?

Mine was the latter and we only had 7 ppl, while for some people (i guess) gifted was for people who did well in classes.

Which was yours?

  • acealeam [he/him]
    3 years ago

    when i took the iq test, one of the questions was what is wrong with this image? and the image was a family out on a boat. completely stumped me. there was absolutely nothing wrong with it! and i answered that, and they said um actually a moving boat has a wake behind it. But there was nothing that implied the boat to be moving, or moving at a fast speed. a boat, if not moving or moving slowly will not have a wake behind it. Anyway, add +3 to my iq because that was bullshit