Assuming that the left gets its shit together before Homo sapiens goes extinct.

My vote goes to either the USA or France. Especially because the Paris Commune already happened. “Smeagol did it once...he can do it again!” Paris seems to have been packed with rioters 24/7 for several years. Not so different maybe from the American Midwest. The ruling class is investing heavily in police in both countries. It’s afraid!

I know this seems partly delusional of me and that there is far more hope in the Global South unifying and then strangling the imperial core from the outside. But still, gun to your head, pick an imperial core country and explain how and why it will fall first. Marx, after all, predicted that socialism would come first to those places that had progressed along capitalist development the most. (Yes, you are invited to explain how wrong I am about this.) The USA falling to socialism would probably cause the rest of the planet to fall the same way.

edit: my choices seem embarrassing now, thank you for enlightening me comrades.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    3 years ago

    France? I thought they're going pretty reactionary lately. In fact, because of the way propaganda has worked for decades in the west, disenfranchised and disillusioned people tend to turn reactionary rather than leftist, especially when fanned on by conservative forces.

    I would argue some country from Northern Europe - Netherlands, Norway, etc , since they are all well developed, and the left is not demonized. I do expect this to be more of a transition rather than a revolutionary change..

    I am not sure if socialism in one country can happen that well, since most countries in the imperial core have outsourced their productional capacity for a lot of things to Asia. This means that at least a part of the things that allow a higher standard of living and the like are still based on exploitation of foreign workers.