Fuck lawns plant some fucking trees bitch I'll kill you

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I'm thinking one could make the overall layout more orderly, keep a small access road to each cluster (so as to allow maintenance vehicles, deliveries of things too heavy to carry in by hand, emergency vehicles, etc) but include a covered foot/bike path along it and orient these clusters around a central hub (maybe a thousand people per small hub) with something like a general store and light rail station (plus whatever other central amenities the community needs that close, rather than being able to commute by rail to), and then fill in the space between residential clusters with woodland, ponds to handle drainage, parks, and community gardens. I'd honestly keep the fences between houses in favor of providing more dedicated communal space in the otherwise unused space outside rather than limiting personal spaces.

    Depending on the population density needs, the closest clusters to the transit hubs could be replaced with apartment buildings so as to ensure that the most people are closest to transportation, while those who want more space can make the tradeoff of having a longer walk.