"...the RCMP bombed a wellsite and that they did it with the full support of the energy company that owned it. The Crown admits the allegations are true."
They wanted to charge and jail an anti-oil direct action activist, so the feds got together with the oil company, bombed an oil well, and framed the "eco-warrior".
To be fair, Wiebo Ludwig did do a shit-tonne of anti-oil bombings, and got away with it all, too.
Yes, Canada is truly a socialist utopia, comrades. People fought their asses off for universal health care, and that's the only good thing about this place.
Health care is now a crutch that allows Canada to remain in perpetual limbo, slightly better than the u.s., and never moving forward.
The Canadian government is a terrorist organization that still uses extremely militant use of force to protect the interests of capital against those who would oppose it, especially Indigenous peoples. This happens on a yearly basis, all the time. Canada is three oil corporations in a trenchcoat.
Please stop fetishizing this colonial nightmare. Hahahaha that is all o7
- Wiebo Ludwig's wikipedia article
- Wiebo's War, a documentary I haven't seen which is apparently sympathetic
- Unist'ot'en Camp, the most well-known land defence camp in Canada, fighting a dozen+ oil pipelines illegally slated to cross their unceded territory. They're not letting that happen. Learn about them!
- The Trans Mountain Pipeline is a dead duck floating in the water, that Justin Trudeau's Liberals decided to buy to nationalize because... it was a dead duck, killed by Indigenous opposition. So now Canadians are all part owners in an illegal pipeline that will not be built, despite the best efforts of the federal government. This is what the Liberals chose to buy instead of universal pharmacare.
All that being said, Canada is Cuba's #1 export partner, which is pretty based ngl
(that's the national postal service for those not savvy)