Like the title says just finished ds9 and need to talk about it. Plus it's star trek Sunday let's get some discussions going

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Yes dammit. It works best if you're familiar with Trek alresdym I'd watch some TNG first

      • Owl [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I watched TNG every night back when I was a chick.

        There's probably some episodes I didn't see, since it was random order reruns. But yes, I'm familiar with TNG.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Watch Deep Space Nine then. It's Star Trek without trekking and space politics instead!

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yes. Fantastic show.

      My wife had never really seen any star trek at all until we met and watched it on streaming services. We watched all of them now, except for the recent shitty ones and some of the original series. She loves all of them.

      If you've seen other Star Trek, just go fucking watch DS9. It had the reputation as being the bad one, but that's because people watched RANDOM episodes on TV and it's actually very character driven and fairly sequential. I didn't like DS9 when it was on TV. There are character arcs and interactions that at least make some sense when watching a random episode, but really have emotional resonance when you know what's come before.

      If you haven't watched Star Trek, know this: it's really, really not about photon torpedoes and space ships.

      The setting is literally just a way to easily create moral and philosophical dilemmas, especially distilled and idealized versions of real dilemmas facing the world today. It's just delightful, and there's lots of excellent leftist or left-leaning content peppered all throughout the series, especially DS9.

      (Although back in the 60's it was a bit more of a vehicle to create different spoopy monsters and different women Gene Roddenberry wanted to bang).

      Also if you haven't watched TNG, do this: Watch like the first episode of Season 1, then go to season 2 and watch like, 8, 9, 16, 20, and 21. Thats a random list I pulled of good ones, and it checks out as far as I remember. Then go to Season 3 and just watch them all in order. THEN watch DS9. You could also start DS9 after Season 6 of TNG, because TNG ran a year after DS9 started and there are some crossover characters.

      DS9 is great without TNG, but it builds on and subverts a lot of stuff from TNG in a really great way.