No, seriously. Have any of y’all read this shit? I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears, I don’t even know where to start. To say that this is some bullshit is such an understatement. In fact, I’m getting so fucking angry even thinking about how insanely bad this shit is, I just keep typing about it while not explaining anything or adding anything meaningful to the discussion. So here, if you want to feel visceral rage, observe the immense amount of bullshit spewing out of this cursed fucking “environmentalism” page:

I’m so sorry Jesus fucking Christ I’m going to blow my fucking brains out in minecraft

  • PureIdeology [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Lol, taking Inslee's lead on holding anyone to account. When he decreed a shutdown of all non-essential businesses some of us wondered what would happen to the employers that just, you know, ignored it. Honor system.

    Business closures must happen 48 hours after Inslee signs the order.

    . . .

    All grocery stores, pharmacies, childcare facilities, gas stations, food supply chains and other things that offer people basic, crucial needs will remain open. Inslee expects businesses and residents to voluntarily comply.