Please ask me questions, or maybe even @Alaskaball about the party. I will answer to the best of my ability, or will refer to the party for question I do not. We need to build the base of cadre who will help lead the proletariat. It took the Bolsheviks years to develop, and we must start doing the same if there is any hope for the oppressed peoples of the world.

Passion for our Ideology, and compassion for our comrades!

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    We practice Democratic centralism. While chapters or districts may be doing their own local organizing, we are disciplined and follow the Party line. There is no factionalism. We will and have allied ourselves with other mass organizations, but the Party is explicit in its ML and revolutionary in its theory. As another comrade mention in this post, our main goal right now is party building and education to make knowledgeable and disciplined cadre.