My husband is a NEET and I’m very fortunate that my career pays enough that we don’t need him to contribute financially. He’s tried out a variety of careers and I’ve supported them, but inevitably he runs into some difficulty and quits within a few months.

I really don’t care that he doesn’t work and actually prefer it that way because my anxiety is very bad and I don’t have a lot of capacity for self-care.

Both of our families think it’s a problem that he doesn’t work, and obviously society looks down on it. My husband just told me that he has trouble sleeping because he can’t stop beating himself up when he’s alone with his thoughts.

Our arrangement has been that he cooks 6 meals a week (we eat 1 meal for both lunch and dinner) and we’ve tried implementing a cleaning schedule so it doesn’t get out of control, but he’s been too depressed to do pretty much any cleaning and wants to do delivery at least every other day. I’ll admit that I really don’t pull my weight with household chores, so I really don’t push these issues a lot because I can’t demand he do something that I’m not willing to do.

He spends all day playing video games, which is what I do in the weekends so I don’t think it’s like horrible, but it’s hard to get him to prioritize responsibilities over his game.

I want to be supportive, I don’t expect him to be a servant, I want him to contribute a fair amount to the state of the apartment and meals and I feel like it’s not possible for him right now because his self-esteem is so low. I also just want him to not feel ashamed of our situation even though I know it’s difficult because people are very judgmental about it.

I’ve asked him to talk to a therapist, but outside of that, what do you guys do to feel good about yourselves in a world that makes it so difficult?

  • culdrought [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I generally agree that if you're doing waged work and supporting the two of you financially, then he needs to pull his weight with household chores.

    That said, if you have the time/energy to do so (which may be difficult if you are in a demanding job), you could try doing some of those chores together. That could help get him into the habit of doing some of that stuff.

    • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
      3 years ago

      We did used to cook lunch together before I started my new job. I doubled my salary but almost never get a lunch break.

      I woke up about an hour before my alarm this morning and decided to ask him if he wanted to go on a walk together. We ended up walking our dogs and it was really nice. I think I’m going to set my alarm an hour earlier so I can try and do something before work each morning.