it is incredibly important to have a state media apparatus that is robust and covers all facets of life, so that INCREDIBLY STUPID PEOPLE DONT HAVE PLATFORMS. like holy fucking shit, on live national tv theyre saying you should confront people who wear masks like theyre the devil! i am 100% down for communist brainwashing at this point. nothing else will work, you just have to tell the stupid people whats what and offer no other opinions. if you dont have a media apparatus, your society will become absolutely unhinged. i want there to be 200 communist tv broadcasts constantly blaring propaganda to drown out any dumbass remarks being made

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I know I said I'd cool it with the GDR-posting, but whatever, I've been thinking about them a lot recently. So the thing with them is, Honecker and the SED were constantly worried about the impact of capitalist propaganda from the west, and did what they could to stop it. And by 1989, the population of the GDR seemed more or less fed up with the SED, travel restrictions, censorship, etc. Depsite the fact that polls showed the people of the GDR still overwhelmingly supported socialism.

    But the thing is... weren't the SED and the communists who felt the restrictions were a necessary evil proven right? I mean the West Germans poured tons of money into the first election after 1989, made tons of promises (that they never kept), and then the fucking CDU destroyed the SED/SDU in the election? How does that happen in a country where the population ostensibly wants socialism even in they want a change in leadership? The only answer I can come up with is that the capitalist propaganda was just too overwhelming.