This is a smart recap of why Nina Turner lost from someone who was actually on the ground in Ohio. A quick recap:

  1. Establishment Democrats absolutely flooded Cleveland with anti-Turner content in the month leading up to the election. You couldn't look around without seeing a billboard quoting Turner saying "voting Biden is like eating half a bowl of shit." That was an effective attack because most Democratic primary voters like Biden and the Democratic Party (sadly). It wasn't impossible to overcome (Turner almost won!), but it was effective. TV and billboard ads are extremely powerful tools in electoral politics because the average voter is 55 years old and watches 5 hours of TV a day (this is not an exaggeration).

  2. Nina Turner ran a positive campaign, Shontel Brown saw she was down big and went negative first. Negative campaigning works. When Turner saw her internal polls collapsing she went negative, but it was too little too late.

  3. Turner's ground game was not very strong. They sent in the cavalry and flooded Cleveland with volunteers once the race tightened, but she needed to be doing that for months, not weeks.

  4. Yes, dark money sucks. But there's no invisible referee coming to save us from dark money. Part of fighting a huge, corrupt establishment is understanding that they're going to throw every dirty trick they have at you. And remember, even with the dark money, Turner had more total money than Brown.

  5. Jim Clyburn had nothing to do with this race. Most people in OH-11 don't know who he is. He's a power broker in South Carolina, not nationally.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    3 years ago

    With how TV-addicted most voters in America are, maybe the Trots are actually right for once with their insistence on starting newspapers and other media-channels

    • Orcocracy [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The problem is that those Trots then fill their new media outlets with maximum-level Trot ranting. The thing that makes consent manufacturing work is that it's subtle and entertaining.

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      I've joked about making a Cosmo-like blog that occasionally throws out a leftist themed article like "Should you withhold sex from your man till he joins a union?" but it's absolutely what we should be doing for every industry and fandom. Give the appearance of being standard schlock and occasionally onboard them into leftism.

      "Why is there such a resistance to a wrestlers' union?"

      "10 reasons why a game developers' union would result in better games!"

      "Does a balanced Root Chakra require us to overthrow the Patriarchy?"

      "We did the math on the top 10 gig apps and you won't believe how much money is being stolen from you in the name of profit!"

      A baby step towards this is I used to run an obscene amount of regular joe type facebook meme pages where I randomly introduce leftist communism type memes and they would usually fly right under the radar and get the same sort of likes and shares. It's absolutely something that can work and I wholeheartedly recommend anyone to try it with their non-political passions.

      • Rem [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Should you withhold sex from your man till he joins a union?


        Why would u even want to fuck a man who has the opportunity to join a union and doesn't, eww grosso

        • blobjim [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Except it isn't run by left-wingers. They just decided to go with that type of content.

        • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          Well, as i said when i was joking around about the cosmo thing, the problem with teen vogue is that the anarchist/marxist stuff doesn't really have the same sort of vapid feel as you would expect from teen vogue or cosmo. You want to create propaganda that's indistinguishable from the regular content; leftist, but congruent with the theme and style. "Why is heartthrob Marc Ruffalo calling out police in schools?"

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        I’ve joked about making a Cosmo-like blog that occasionally throws out a leftist themed article

        Sounds a lot like The Superficial.

        • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          Perhaps, but it's a good setup for yaas qweening various wife/mom activist groups through history.