All I hear from people is that evolution makes it so that having kids makes your meat computer squirt good chemicals. But idk, given how much hard work and money they cost i feel like I could get the same high from heroin with less effort.

  • ryansmith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Dying of old age is a long, slow, unimaginably painful and undignified affair. Children, properly cared for and raised, make it slightly less so as they can see you through this stage of life with a level of empathy only love could inspire.

    You're not gonna beat my argument on rational selfish grounds, unless you actually like dying utterly alone, unloved and without any dignity.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      What if someone reaches the point where their quality of life is unimaginably painful and undignified, and they simply choose to end it themselves? The scenario you describe could easily be reframed as, "having kids will make your life drag out for a very long time even if it becomes not worth living anymore."

      I'm not saying you should abandon all human connection, I'm just saying that from my point of view the amount of effort raising kids requires doesn't seem worth it.

      • ryansmith [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think the moments leading up to committing suicide, by definition, have to be worse any pain that does not lead to suicide.

        And you're not wrong, old men have the highest rate of suicide of any gender/age cohort.

        I just think avoiding the level of pain that is required to be able to kill yourself is worth dealing with a whiny kid for what, 8 years at the most? They mostly get not annoying after that age. 8 years is nothing!