There's a character called Peacemaker and hes Captain America but evil cause America does mostly bad shit.

However the movie is basically set in Cuba and the heroes free it at the end. It does a lot to try to muddy the waters and not make it seem to much like a real country, but the "Viva Fictional Country" chants at the end and line about now being a free and democratic country have to be courtesy of the CIA.

It's some incredibly politically confused shit. Kind of a good movie I guess, probably the best DCEU film and much better than his Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Didn't feel as focus tested. Its also basically a remake of the first one but with actual pacing.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I loved Peacemaker. Was a hilarious lampooning of American evil abroad. My favorite moment was during the Harley rescue scene when they’re preparing to infiltrate the building and he says he has a shot on someone so they can sneak by but then it cuts to who he’s aiming at and it’s a female civilian office worker that he obviously doesn’t need to shoot. Love that he just doesn’t mention that and is ready to just go for it