I'll start. Fahrenheit is the superior temperature system for weather reporting. We should use metric for literally everything else, even Celsius for cooking, but I'll be dead in the cold ground before I abandon a system in which you actually get to experience both 0 degrees and 100 degrees. Freezing being 32 instead of 0 is literally the only downside, and it's not a hard number to remember. I'm prepared to die on this hill in the comments.

    • Mencoh [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      If I admire a quality of someone who grew up in an East Asian culture it's that they're typically modest about their endeavors in comparison to Americans, including me. I've regularly hung out with friends for months and never knew they did stuff on the side like machine learning and highly-intensive hobbies unless you directly ask them about it. They just do it, they don't advertise.

      One should take care to avoid stereotypes when discussing this stuff, but I think it's apt to say that different cultures encourage different qualities on average.