Damn, I like a good military hardware museum :sadness:
Monkey world first, then tank museum. If you don't like the tanks you can return to monke
Tank museum first, then return to monke. :meow-tankie: :monke-return:
What's the saying? If you have a million monkeys in a million
typewriterstanks, eventually they will dismantle the US empire?Monkey World is in the UK. You'd need to take them to the Aircraft Carrier museum to do that.
walk 1.5 miles to tank museum, use the tanks to drive to monkey world and free all the monkeys, then drive the tanks to your local cough DONUT PLACE and put the monkeys inside of them
hilarity and [redacted] ensues
then allow monkey to live in banana forest built on top of the ashes of the donut place~~ :soviet-huff:
gather the monkeys from monkey world since it's closer, and bring them to the tank museum. you now have a tank-driving monkey army. conquer the world.