Lmao https://twitter.com/EthanBWinter/status/1424886597003120640
Someone thankfully linked this in that thread too o7 https://www.theonion.com/third-amendment-rights-group-celebrates-another-success-1819569379
Lmao https://twitter.com/EthanBWinter/status/1424886597003120640
Someone thankfully linked this in that thread too o7 https://www.theonion.com/third-amendment-rights-group-celebrates-another-success-1819569379
The argument is of course complete bunk and wouldn't hold up in court, but the interesting thing is that the Third Amendment Lawyers Association has chosen the anagram "þALA". According to their website :
Pretty tough words from a bunch of clowns who have a ".weebly.com domain" lmao
Þeir mega bara þegja þá, þannig er það bara.
þig þooþ þalls