I love these comical fan theories that spin bad books on their head just for the fun of it.
“Likewise, Julia suggests the government is bombing its own people to perpetuate the war cycle. This is typical conspiracy theory fodder, and about as likely as George Bush orchestrating 9/11.”
Ok but that gives way too much credence to Bush lol
Should do crossover fanfic, the most political book of all time. Harry Potter fucks a pig.
This is the Nazi that the Nazis would have shot for being in a wheelchair right?
1984 would have been a better book if Orwell had read Gramsci and cultural hegemony. All everyone ever talks about when discussing that book is how the state surveils people, controls the narrative, suppresses dissent, etc. It's important to know how the state uses the stick, but it's equally as important to know how the state uses the carrot. Or maybe the problem is that people treat the book like the essential political treatise of the modern era instead of as an interesting science fiction novel
I was in this moron's class for like 3 years. What a fucking shitheel
You were in his class and you DIDNT push him into oncoming traffic? For shame.
He did that on his own
I was just looking to not get shot by Christian chuds until I could get into public school
I am becoming the meme that we are currently posting under more and more each day.