To be fair, in the comments are some sources that made me go :bruh:

Edit: I did find a “tankie” that says “prolonging the civil war + US occupation would be worse than a Taliban peace”, also coupmed with "the immediate fall of the Afghan military is proof that the Taliban are more legitimate rulers than the US puppet government". See for yourself:

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    3 years ago

    The most extravagant idea that can arise in a politician's head is to believe that it is enough for a people to invade a foreign country to make it adopt their laws and their constitution. No one loves armed missionaries... The Declaration of the Rights of Man Communism ... is not a lightning bolt which strikes every throne capitalist at the same time... I am far from claiming that our Revolution will not eventually influence the fate of the world... But I say that it will not be today.

    Maximilien Robespierre said that in 1792, 200 years later and it's still just as bad of an idea. I guess you didn't learn shit about America's first 20 year failure occupying Afghanistan?? stop being imperialist