At the very end we finally get a list of his demands: kill more taliban, and to speak to the manager
TFW you can't just wait a month until covid-19 kills you and you have to git er done.
Is this because noone watched the rants he made in his truck before this?
I'm wondering if he thinks the coins are gonna act as shrapnel when his piddly little tannerite bomb goes off. I also doubt it's real in the first place.
I, too, am very concerned about the quantity of zinc in our pennies, which will not only rot with time, but have been singlehandedly engineered this way by sleepy Joe :biden-troll:
The Fed reserve is sweating bullets now that their game is up and they're gonna have to revaluate all their zinc pennies!
Tannerite is actually a pretty damn potent explosive, all things considered.
It's potent, but very localized in its blast. It makes a hell of a lot of noise, which makes it a big ticket item for gender reveals and such, but it's still an off-the-shelf product and the amount he had in that rusty coffee tin would hardly be enough to destroy more than the truck he's in. It's no C-4.
Oh, I didn't realize he had a coffee-can worth. Yeah, that's enough to wreck that truck and hurt anyone close to it, but it isn't gonna bring a building down. Unless that building is a very, very small shed.
The buy gold ads weren't working and they needed a viral marketing campaign
Yeah but he didn't make a cringe manifesto livestream where he babbled incoherently about the zinc content in pennies, about how lesbians are American, and about how he just wants to see his grandkids, dammit!
Well they're certainly not as amusing, tell you what. But yes, if they had any serious intent to carry out an attack, whether it's an incel who feels humanity conspires against him, or some white supremacist fuckwit who wants to shoot up a mosque or church, they just go and do it. They don't hang out the target location and rant to everyone who'll listen being all "I'm gonna do it, Biden! I'm gonna do it if you literally don't walk down here and listen to me call you unamerican! Dammit Joe, are you listening? Joe? JOE?"
yeah this guy's rants were boring AF, but if the recreational vehicle bomber live streamed his rant it would've been very entertaining, he was into lizard people and all that stuff lol.
He doesn't want anyone to die, but he demands Biden bomb more taliban :biden-troll:
He doesn't want the bomb to blow up, but it will be Joe's fault if he literally doesn't come to speak to him and also resign because he will blow it up :biden-troll:
TL;DR: He wants to speak to the manager of antifa because he's not killing enough brown people
Also he claims he has the following:
A tannerite bomb wired to detonate if the microphone detects the sound of the window on his truck breaking from gunfire
At least four others with similar bombs at undisclosed locations in DC
A truck full of coins of dubious precious metal quantities (Joe Biden's fault) to act as shrapnel upon detonation
Just wants to go home by Sunday to see his family
Ranting in the front seat of your truck for twelve hours works up an appetite
If only a DSA socialist had been there to show this veteran the light.
White Guy Wearing Sunglasses In a Truck Talkin' Truth is evolving.
White Guy Wearing Sunglasses In a Truck Talkin' Truth has evolved into Taliban
MRW police talk to a guy in a truck who says he has a bomb for 5 hours
No it's not my joke, but it's a good joke, so I'm stealing it