Guys, I think if we win in 2024 we can PUSH THIS GUY LEFT. His name is Timmy Blackstone Google, and he owns ten butlers, and a private helicopter. But at least he's a Democrat, right? We can't let those fascist right-wingers win next November, right?

Also, I love that Sachs Goldman led the impeachment trial against Trump. He is fine with inheriting a fortune based on extracting labor from children in sweatshops. But breaking the sacred traditions of democracy? Sir, that cheeto has gone too far!

  • buh [any]
    7 months ago

    imagine amassing a fortune of that size by making the most mid jeans in existence

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      7 months ago

      What jeans aren't mid? I've found paying anywhere between 50 euros and 200 euros gives you pretty much the same quality. Is going beyond that worth it?

      • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
        7 months ago

        It can be but it can be really hard to sort it out especially in online retail today. Some brands will offer a quality that's cut above the rest but often as time goes on and the profit motive kicks in and/or they get bought out, they'll start cutting corners and start coasting on the name recognition. Also there's the question of where they are made/produced. If you go down the rabbit hole on this enough you will actually find Levi's are considered extremely right quality depending on where they come from and in fact there's entire groups devoted to keeping track of this info to help people find the good stuff.

        Also it depends on what kind of qualities you're looking for in jeans. Personally I just stick with banana republic because they have a nice blend of fabrics that are fairly breathable and also hella stretchy. I work from home in the city so I don't really need jeans that can withstand the elements. I just need want to be comfortable and look nice.

      7 months ago

      Not really related at all but I was looking for what we would wear today had Levis not come around and for some reason this photographer went with Industrial-era child factory worker aesthetic

  • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    A list of his dork's caucus memberships:

    Congressional Progressive Caucus


    Dads Caucus

    well he does have 5 kids (and custody of 3 of them)

    Voting Rights Caucus


    LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus

    Great job protecting trans people across America bro. Wonderful work. Zero bills passed, but here's a participation trophy.

    Pro Choice Caucus


    Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

    He is only on this caucus because Chinatown is in his district. Lmao.

    Labor Caucus

    The heir to the Levi Strauss fortune is on the labor caucus. agony-consuming

    Renters Caucus


    Quiet Skies Caucus

    I had to look this up. "The mission of the Quiet Skies Caucus is to raise awareness on the issue of aircraft noise." How few problems do you have in your life that you spend time on this...

    Ukraine Caucus


    Baltic Caucus

    Oh, cool. What's the last thing they did? "Baltic Security Initiative Act 2023 - Legislation providing the Department of Defense with $350 million over three years to provide the Baltic States with defense aid."

    Public Broadcasting Caucus

    This is the guy NPR is made for, I guess.

    Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition

    Great job on making America not dependent on fossil fuels anymore. No, really, great job fixing global warming. Bravo.

      7 months ago

      The aircraft noise one can actually be a serious problem for people living in poorer areas underneath flight paths. Imagine a plane flying in to the nearby airport low and loud enough to shake your house and wake you up at 3:00 in the morning every morning.

      So considering his phenomenal track record with the rest of this stuff, he's clearly doing a bang up job with that one as well.

      • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        It also correlates with poor noise/heat insulation or bad windows that don't keep the noise out or have been vibrated by the planes all out of wack and no longer serve their purpose.

    • huf [he/him]
      7 months ago

      he's in those caucuses to prevent meaningful change, surely.

      which would mean that he is doing a great job.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Pure LIB, no dilution just 100% LIB

      Seriously though, this dork looks, sounds, and acts like he is pure liberal

      Now all I need is to find out he is actually an ivy grad who failed upwards, supports a two state solution (like all liberals because the issue is 'complex' and 'nuanced'), pretends to like the gay community but does nothing for them, and thinks M4A and a reasonable minimum wage is pie in the sky nonsense

    • blobjim [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Quiet Skies Caucus is to raise awareness on the issue of aircraft noise

      But not when its military planes dropping bombs apparently

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    7 months ago

    And this is the party that's supposed to protect us? LOL

    Don't forget to vote

    • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      "President McDonalds Walmart (D), I tip my hat to you sir. Poor people are stupid, and you, a rich man, are brave enough to lead us. God Bless America, Slava Ukraini, and let's go kick Yemen's ass!" -Aaron Sorkin in 2028

  • ElHexo [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Goldman's financial disclosures indicate he has a line of credit from Goldman Sachs worth up to $50 million in addition to investments in weapons manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Co., defense contractors Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, oil companies Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Halliburton, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox Corporation & News Corp.


  • the_kid
    7 months ago

    AOC's gonna marry this guy