Liberals hate leftists for the same reason someone telling a bogus self-aggrandizing story at a party would hate somebody who caught them in one of their lies in front of everyone
This article's comment section is the fuckin El Dorado of Galaxy-brained takes
Hmmm. Well first of all, socialism is a form of capitalism, and the one most resonant with BOTH Adam Smith’s treatises on the natural means of production, Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments. Democracy – liberty – was key to the success of the natural means of production.
The divide between liberalism and socialism appears based on the separation of Smiths’ philosophy into right and left camps based on Wealth of Nations alone, the how of capitalism, and willfully forgetting the social why of capitalism.
Liberals hate the genuine left because, agreed, the genuine left exposes the horse-whispering-at-the-glue-factory hypocrisy of the political left. They hate the right for about the same reasons.
That said, the status quo, was never a static status quo. The problem for the power elites, was the evolving nature of the pre-9/11, pre-COVID status quo which saw a closing of the economic and especially information gap between the power elites and the rest of us. Both as individuals and as nation states, the middle classes and rising Third World were perceived as a threat to the cosseted Western European elites and their corruption of capitalism.
The reset is all about resetting the power gap between the power elites and everyone else to something more favourable to preserving the existing power elites. Not about rebuilding a more just society.
We were evolving to a more just society. Now, we are in danger of not doing so and devolving into postmodern medievalism under surveilance police statism.
Read this and be in awe
If it's leftists who are living out of "alignment" with natural law, that begs the question of why it's capitalism that's the one destroying nature, oh wait let me guess....."nOt rEaL cRapitaliSm"
lol some people would rather twist themselves into a trans-dimensional Gordian knot then admit their worldview is doo-doo
As a Chaotic Good Orc Barbarian, I am perfectly within my alignment
was key to the success of the natural means of production.
I can sort of see how one would get there for most of this in the same sense that my brain manages to interpret bits of someone speaking fake german gibberish as actual language but what the fuck is the natural means of productions. Is it like bees? Those Ants that farm? What?
Okay I haven't read either because I'm an idiot but I'm pretty sure Marx and Smith had pretty strong feelings on the concept of owning land or rivers and they weren't exactly "yeah somebody should own this because the river produces water"
Wow, those are some of the most up their own asshole comments I've ever seen
comment section makes me want to destroy my router and never go online again
Yeah there’a definitely a fine line that you need to be aware of when it comes to this kind of rhetoric
- I am not reading the comments section
- this feels like a parody of a listicle thing that libs would read to make themselves feel better
Bill Brasky. Bill Brasky jokes.
In the early 00's those were Bill Brasky jokes. Then someone did a search-and-replace and put Chuck Norris in there. But that wasn't until years later.