• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    The final scene in the book gives Rorschach a patina of virtue that the other heroes lack. I think this was Moore's ultimate fuck-up. He presented Rorschach as uncompromisingly stubborn in the face of a horrifying conspiracy to commit mass murder, and that gave him the appearance of "the last good cop" rather than "belligerent asshole who can't admit he's lost".

    The HBO show does a lot to castigate Rorschach as bad based on his racist legacy, rather than his stubborn personality. Mirror Mask ends up being the Rorschach that Rorschach should have been, while the cult of personality he leaves behind is exposed as equally genocidal.

    • s_p_l_o_d_e [they/them,he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, that's a good point about Rorschach at the end; had he just shrugged his shoulders and said that it was for the best, it would have been a better show of how he views the necessity of genocidal actions if they lead to his wanted outcomes.

      Would have been funny if he had asked Ozymandias why he didn't just kill all the brown and communist people.

      Also, interesting info about the show, haven't watched it, maybe I should...