EDIT: Wow, this blew up. Want to take this opportunity to plug my bandcamp

  • BruceWillis [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    not if it's a way for the West to use identity politics as a wedge issue against AES states.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      3 years ago

      I don't think we should pretend something isn't true just because we're afraid of other people using it for bad aims.

      • BruceWillis [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        there is only so much bandwidth that people have, so we are always making choices on what injustice to focus on. this is not one i would waste my time on. it's on the other side of the planet from me, and it happens to align with western imperialist interests. i'll worry about things closer to home that western countries are doing, which i can have more of an impact on.

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          3 years ago

          Dismissing legitimate criticism of China weakens our credibility for refuting actual propaganda. Also I don't think there's anybody here who's suddenly going to become ok with sanctions or something because of poor LGBT rights. It's fine if you don't think it's important enough to talk about, but since we are talking about it, I don't see the harm in admitting that it is, in fact, bad to ban men from presenting in an effeminate way on TV.

          I understand the tendency to question narratives that paint China in a bad light because many of them are made up or exaggerated, but that doesn't mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater and blindly dismissing all criticism like some kind of strawman.

      • BruceWillis [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        it's not about what we pay attention to, it's about how our attention to the issue is used by the west as a wedge.