The Report, an Amazon original, follows Kylo Ren in his attempt to investigate US torture following 9/11.

Kylo Ren is a bureaucratic type who dropped all of his aspirations and ambitions in grad school and enters the national security sector after 9/11 occured the second day of courses.

Kylo is tapped by the Senate intelligence committee to investigate the use of torture. Who is he tapped by? None other than our girl, Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein, one of the senators notorious for giving a shit about things other than her next paycheck. She makes a big song and dance about this investigation not being "political" and how she really really wants to work with republicans.

Spoiler alert, republicans stop working with them and the CIA stops giving them witnesses. Who knew, right?

That doesn't stop Feinstein at all though. She takes a break from yelling at kids about climate change to pretend to care about this stuff because she's a democrat and democrats are the good guys.

Anyway the movie makes a point to have Kylo find out the white house apparently never approved the use of torture because obviously American presidents aren't war criminals.

There's some actually decent depiction of how horrendous the torture methods are. Kind of ruined by the amount of people who apparently objected to this. Made it seem like it was 2 contractors and literally everyone else was against it.

The amount of bush apologia is fucking hilarious. Bush never knew, it was all the CIA. But not most of the CIA, just a few bad apples. Oh and also the FBI are the good guys because they didn't want it to happen.

Kylo finds out the CIA killed a guy and brings it to Feinstein. She says, and I shit you not, "very disconcerting." She leaves the room and her aide says "her name is going on the report and she has to run for reelection." And it's played off like Kylo is getting too emotionally involved. Not like everyone involved is a fucking monster. Next scene with Feinstein she's good again.

DOJ hands down no indictments in their separate investigation (thanks Obama) and Sen Whitehouse and Feinstein ring hands like it's not their fucking party.

Oh and btw the torturers aren't even bad. They just want to do something to protect their country.

Anyway, the investigation continues for years. Sen Feinstein never does anything about it. Didn't blow the whistle or talk about it or anything. Like a goddamn hero.

Anyway I'm an hour in and now I'm bored so turned it off. Moral of the story, there's some bad people at the CIA. There's good people in the FBI, CIA, senate who valiantly oppose these people. It's not that America is inherently evil, it's just a few bad people.


Edit: finished it. Feinstein is a hero. Because she prosecuted Bush/Cheney? Nah. Because she passed laws to do anything to curb the CIA? Lol no. Because she read a bit of the report on the Senate floor.

The Report has been released for years now. Literally nothing came of it except the "banning" of torture that didn't even ban anything.

Libshit folks, we love it.

  • LeninWeave [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    This is just PR work for the media and intelligence dressed up like a movie.

    Why hello there, Hollywood.